View Full Version : OAB sufferers please read

17-12-10, 14:41
I've noticed there's a few OAB sufferers on the forum and I have an embarrassing question for you.

Do you find sex very uncomfortable and unpleasurable? I'm talking to female sufferers here, really. It just makes me feel like I need the toilet and I don't get any pleasure at all. I'm just concentrating on controlling my bladder!

I'm quite swollen inside as well, although I've had thrush for nearly a year that conventional medicine just doesn't cure (maybe run down?) so it could be that. Sorry to be graphic, but it's about an inch inside on the front wall there's a little bulge that is extremely sensitive and if anything touches it I feel like I need to go to the toilet really badly.

I'm a bit worried there's something else going on here, so I just wanted to check if everybody else with OAB was the same? Before I saw a urologist I was worried it could have been a prolapse (although I'm actually a bit too young for that so it was a silly worry!) but the urologist did a vaginal examination and didn't mention anything.

The other theory I have is that it could be like a gland or something that's pressing on the urethra? I'm not sure but it's scaring me a bit.

Any thoughts?


17-12-10, 14:47
Oh my God! Why did I just Google this? See step 5:


17-12-10, 18:20
The g spot, which is in a similar place to your lump would and can cause you to feel like you need a wee when it's touched.

17-12-10, 21:47
Thanks. It's near the gspot but not quite on it - it gets touched if something enters my vagina at all where as the gspot is a tiny bit out of the way and can only usually be reached in certain positions (for me anyway!)

I wondered today though whether the area where the gspot is had become swollen with the thrush and was more tender because of this and maybe the feeling I was getting was swollen tissue pushing against the gspot? There's no pleasure, though, so I'm not sure. But then again, that part of me doesn't work anymore! I mean, I don't get any pleasure from the gspot anymore, it's just extremely uncomfortable and very tender. So maybe it is the swelling pushing against it.

I'm probably being overly anxious anyway. I'm going to see the urologist again in February and I'll ask her to take a look if I'm still getting no pleasure from sex and still feel sensitive there.

Thanks for your advice :)