View Full Version : ptsd support groups

17-12-10, 17:23
I know of a general anxiey one in cardiff , are there any for victims of violence or ptsd in general ?
I have not been diagnosed with this yet , but my psychiatrist thinks I MAY have some symptoms and see him next week

by the way the ASSIST website is brilliant xx

Nigel H
20-12-10, 10:42
Not sure if you saw the post I put in reply to Tish on this thread .... as below

I had PTSD following a road accident some 3 1/2 years back. I lost 70% of the use of my arm, after 3 subsequent operations failed.

What I am HAPPY to report though, is that there is a very good way to have the issue dealt with. I have done so and it's a very real thing. I got the old me back again, despite the state of my arm.

I really want people to realise that it's possible to deal with these things - I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for the methods I had previously learned - and knowing where to turn to have my issues resolved.

The use of Time Line TherapyŽ is a major contributor to the effectiveness of the process I use and had used with me.

The organisation I trained through now work with one of Prince Charles' charities involved in The Warrior Programme - to enable ex service men & women to resolve their PTSD and Anxiety issues following active service. There is further info on this programme via this link.


The process I use is very similar, allowing for the fact that they do a group thing for ex military, within that charity - whereas I work 1 to 1.

My trainer has also recently run some programs within the Prison service to treat inmates.

A quote from the website of Tad James, who originated TLT in it's current form:-

Time Line TherapyŽ is so highly regarded, in fact, that the Council of Psychotherapy in Croatia asked to be trained by “The James” in “Time Line Therapy” so they could help many of the victims of the war suffering from “post traumatic stress disorder”.
The specific collection of techniques called Time Line TherapyŽ produces long-lasting transformation very quickly and easily. The process is faster than what is currently called Brief Therapy. These powerful Time Line Therapy™ techniques are becoming the method of choice to make fast, effective, long-term changes in behavior.


If you want any further advice or have questions, then please do PM me or email me

>> nigelhorwood@yahoo.com

