View Full Version : relapse

17-12-10, 17:49
hi all,

had HA for about 5 years now, and over the last year managed to keep the beast at bay. over the last 6 weeks, its popped up again and i seem to have forgotten all the techniques ive learnt to get on top of it. had some time off work and munched through diazepam like candy.

got the flu/sickness/virus type bug that going around and at th emoment, im proper panicky - my left arm hurts around the shoulder and has done for about 3 days. had diareoha and generally felt quite rubbish.

keep thinking that this is my time to have a heart attack due to the left arm and the tight chest but rationally i know ive had the pain for days and if it was, id already be in hospital.

cant seem to get myself togehter - so much so this is myfirst post on here for at least 3 years

anyone got any help/tips/etc

thanks, darren

17-12-10, 17:58
Hey Darren :)

I know exactly how u feel, I can go weeks feeling not 2 bad then BAM back it comes! All I try 2 do it talk 2 myself in my head, saying things like, this is just anxiety, it can't hurt me, I have control over my mind and I can stop these negative thoughts, I have done so well the last few weeks that just because I feel like this today it means nothing, it's just a blip! Also, if itz hard 2 do this in ur head, write it down. Write down what ur thinking, then write what evidence u have 4 this thought. Try and listen 2 ur rational voice rather than ur irrational 1, hez in there somewhere!!!

Also, try and do some abdominal breathing. Put 1 hand on ur belly and 1 on ur chest and when u breathe only let the hand on ur belly move. I also find that breathing in for 3, holding for 3 and breathing out for 5 helps.

Just remember that ur not alone :)


17-12-10, 18:00
ab breathing is my lifeline, but i do a lot of gulping so i end up with really bad trapped wind. it helps bring me down but all it takes is 1 thought and im back up again.

it annoys me as i so had this under wraps for ages. bein ill doesnt help either

thanks for the kind words :)

17-12-10, 18:10
Being ill makes things so much worse, I agree. I was feeling sick the other night and my anxiety just rocketed! So I agree with u on that 1.

I agee as well that when it comes back it really gets u down. Mine was "gone" for a while, and then it returned with a vengeance. The only thing I can say is 2 try and not focus 2 much on how u feel right now, and 2 think more about how u had been feeling, and what u must have done 2 get urself 2 that stage. This horrible time will come 2 an end soon :)


17-12-10, 21:02
does anyone have any tips on how to cope/deal/neagte the left arm pain.....if i can crack that, it'll make a huge difference