View Full Version : FEAR how it rules and ruins ur day!

17-12-10, 19:58
Hi all Im new and needed somewhere to come and have my say and to read that im not going mad :weep::weep::weep:

It started after splitting up with my ex and even though it was me that left had to make myself not be in love with him anymore. I ran away and travelled the world fantastic and nearly got myself killed numerous amounts of times!! :ohmy:

Since coming back got myself a gorgeous lovely lad who I really liked and got on with well. Next thing yano I worry he doesnt like me and is only with me for one thing. Once I find out its not that I decided he must be cheating and doing it when im not around. Then a find out hes the most sincere person ever and wouldnt do that type of thing. I have nothing to worry about..... so then I decided ive got STD from an ex fella and probably past it to him, then I decided ive given him a life threatening disease STD and wait 6 months because I was getting heart palpitations wasnt sleeping and thought I couldnt have kids because of it. I got tested I was fine of course. Once that one was over I decided that I poisened some people I was cooking for and had to wait 3 weeks of not sleeping and getting churning feelings in my belly until I knew everyone was going to be ok. Now today im here went for a meal and knew the chef and ive conviced myself hes put semen in the food and ive been googling all day finding out if you can catch HIV through swalling semen in food :mad::mad:

I have a constant fear when i try for a baby next year im going to do something and it wont be healthy.

WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH ME???? I used to be a fun loving party girl! Ive always been a worrier but never to the extent of not sleeping, not eating, stomach churning and a constant need for self help books. I really cannot control these worries? are they rational fears or is it anxiety playing its tricks?

17-12-10, 20:13
Hello and welcome,

you poor soul, you sound as though your having a rough time of it at the moment, all these fears stem from anxiety. Have you ever thought about counselling to help, i think CBT may help you with your anxiety. CBT will help you to focus on your thoughts and how you behave towards them.

Take care x

17-12-10, 20:27
Hi ELaine,

Thanks for ur reply. Im booked in two weeks theres a big wait, no suprise there! Do you feel these thoughts are irrational even tho possible? I cant quite work out if im getting better or worse!! Take it easy hun xx

18-12-10, 21:49
anyone else get this worries xx

18-12-10, 22:21
worrying about something is always so difficult and just because it sounds a bit out of the ordinary dosen't make it seem any less real or less likely to happen to us " irrational thinkers" does it ???? I worry about all sorts of irrational things and they are always to do with mine and my childrens health and well being. Ive try constantly to remember that I have nothing real to fear than fear itself, but thats easier said than done when you wake up at 2am thinking you have a terminal disease or that the roof is going to cave in and squash us all. I hope you know your not alone, I set myself goals of " not thinking about something for 30 mins at a time" and going from there. I'm sending you a big smile and a wink from one worrier to another. Take care Applecider ( cool name by the way)