View Full Version : Does anyone ever listen to their heart or can hear their heart in their head

17-12-10, 22:37
Unfortunately I have problems with the tubes in my ears that makes me be able to hear my heartbeat..its like listening to my heart with a stethoscope.

I was wondering if anyone else has listened to their heart and heard noises?

I check for symptoms of heart problems..No blue fingernails or swollen feet or ankles or legs..I get a little light headed sometimes but think its from laying around too much..

Overall if you look at any of the heart symptoms that you could have with any heart ailments .. Other that feeling like I can't breathe sometimes .."i think due to anxiety and congestion" I don't think I really have the breathing problems..

But.... as things would have it I do hear my heartbeat and hear something that bothers me..My heart sounds like it has a gallop or a skip sound..in it when at rest..It goes something like this..luh dub luh dub luh dub luh dub
lub lub dub luh dub luh dub luh dub..

I heard this a few years ago and was told I had a murmur which really I don't think makes this sort of sound and murmurs are usually heard inbetween beats.

My doctor has listened to my heart many times from all angles and doing all the things they are suppose to make you do when you are being checked for heart problems..Even an ekg last time i went that she said was perfect.

But ..my heart beats fast due to anxiety when I go there.. and maybe it doesn't sound like what i hear because its usually beating slower when this happens..I worry alot about this because my brother died at age 44 from what was told to me as an undetectable heart condition..yet..after he died I found out he had some other major problems..Could this be a normal heart sound and im just worrying or could it be something that only shows up when my heart is beating slowly?

I have had this before and heard it before in my ears and it was a few years ago when I was suppose to have had a murmur but like I said its not a murmur sound. I have listened to many heart sounds online of different problems and not heard this particular one..

My doctor has assured me over and over my heart is strong and healthy..but I still worry especially when I hear it in my head..Anyone else ever hear anything weird like this with their heart? Anything that can be told to me that could encourage me I would appreciate..Michael

17-12-10, 23:36
Unfortunately I have problems with the tubes in my ears that makes me be able to hear my heartbeat..its like listening to my heart with a stethoscope.

I get this a lot, i think a lot of people do. Bit annoying when im trying to get to sleep but it doesnt bother me.
I find it happens more if im anxious or havent wound down before i go to bed.

Going home
17-12-10, 23:41
Hi, I know you say you have a huge fear of visiting the doctor but I think if you can maybe speak to someone in the surgery even over the phone about your problems and maybe ask for a referrel to a therapist, which I think you could possibly need right now. Are you on any medication for your health anxieties? If not maybe you need to talk about this too?

Anna xx

17-12-10, 23:41
I do understand about people hearing their heart but that isn't really what im getting at here..Its more of what im hearing.I have had to learn to live with hearing my heartbeat..there is nothing I can really do about it other than have surgery and I sure don't want that. Thanks for your reply although its not about hearing my heartbeat its hearing the weird beat.. Michael

Going home
17-12-10, 23:43
Sorry I think we posted at the same time...my reply is above.

Anna xx

18-12-10, 00:05
I was on meds then quit because I had to go to a doctor to get refills I explained to my doctor what the issue was and she gave me a one time refill which I will probably have to do soon enough..I shouldn't have quit the meds and maybe it has made me a little more anxious.. but its going away..and you are probably right that I need to go to a therapist but then If I could go to a therapist I could probably go to a doctor..couldn't I?

I know you mean well.. but there are so many people online here that experience all kinds of things that I thought maybeeeeeeeeeeeee just maybeeeeeeeeee someone else heard weird things when they listened to their hearts.i guess it was just wishful thinking I guess.. I suppose I really do need to go into therapy again..and believe me if I could I would but then I probably need to see a doctor too but then If I could I would.

I suppose there are lots of people here that aren't fond of doctors and that is why they post here.. so that was my reason to post..As I said I know you meant well but just hoping for another type of reply.. but all the same you are greatly appreciated..Michael

18-12-10, 00:07
If its any conciliation to you..Im really feeling sad and depressed now..I wasn't really expecting anyone to say go to the doctor..especially here and people knowing how paranoid I am.. Like I said I know you meant well but I don't know what to say.. Im just sad..

Going home
18-12-10, 00:23
Michael, my reply wasn't meant to make you feel bad, but its a doctor who would be able to tell you if you are suffering from anything other than anxiety. People can share their own experience of each symptom you have, as I do myself with some of them, but we can't diagnose anything coz we're not medically trained...well except for DR. Rutherford! But it wasn't said to dishearten you in any way, only to say that if your health anx is becoming bad then if you cannot visit the doctor, perhaps you can talk to somebody at the surgery over the phone...that suggestion was meant with the best of intentions and it wasn't meant to come across as insensitive sorry, its something that is often suggested.

I have bumped up a thread from last winter here about feeding the garden birds in the snow, and have been reading the posts...yours and mine included. You posted some great pics, so take another look and another read and maybe this will take your mind off how you're feeling.

Take care
Anna xx

18-12-10, 00:27
Yes, you're not alone. The same happens when I'm moving around too fast, or simply relaxing on my bed.

16-01-11, 10:12
I can't stand hearing my own heartbeat. To solve the problem, I bought a small radio and put it next to the bed. I turn it on just loud enough that it distracts me from the heart sound but doesn't stop me sleeping. Works wonders.