View Full Version : Angina at 19?

17-12-10, 23:31
Is it even possible? I am slightly overweight? I've noticed a lot of people on here say chest pain is a worry if it occurs during exercise, when you are relaxed and if it's central. Well that's whats happening to me. I get weird pains every so often in the centre of my chest, especially after eating - but after exercising now I get a tightness in my chest and pain in centre of chest, around my breasts and round my back. My left arm is sore too and tingly. My chest wall is very sore to touch, feels bruised and my back is the same but I'm scared as its increasing on exercise. My dr said costochondritis but she also said that tends to radiate around your chest wall, which this isnt doing. I had an ecg at hospital last week which said "possible previous heart attack" but they said that was all OK. I got another one at my surgery two weeks previous - first said some kind of tachycardia, i think ventricular, and that was apparently fine - as they took two more which came back absolutely normal. My left hand often feels sore and tingly, its quite often numb when I wake up at night - and I'm getting some ectopics too (not every day).. Sometimes my heart randomly races too - though I can usually attribute this to sugar, is that normal too?

My GP says shes sure there's nothing cardiac, and the hospital said the same - but my symptoms arent disappearing despite ant-acids and aspirin, in fact they have changed a bit.

I'm full of the cold right now too and have discovered it hurts more in my arm when I cough so I do think that is muscular but I'm really worried.

I'm getting quite tight chested too but am full of the cold right now like I said so is that OK?

I'm sorry for the long post and I'm majorly sorry to go on but I havent got anyone else to vent too!!

17-12-10, 23:39
it gets worse when I breathe in I should add and there's a definite connection between it, ectopics and exercise :weep:

17-12-10, 23:49
If you get chest pains after eating then it is directly related to that and most likely indigestion.

My chest wall is not sore to touch and I have had a heart attack and now have what they call "heart failure" so if it was heart related then I would get that pain surely?

How can they said "possible previous heart attack" and not explain that in anyway? You either had a heart attack or you didn't. Are you sure this is what they said?

My arm gets numb every night - it is my back and posture and I do have carpal tunnel syndrome as well so that causes numbness.

Are they treating you for the costochondritis ?

17-12-10, 23:53
Well - they didn't tell me, I got up and looked at the ecg once they'd left the room - which said "cannot rule out anterior infarct" which google told me meant I might have had a previous heart attack.., The A&E doc just kept saying it was all normal.. He asked so many questions about what the pain was like, when it started and that and I'm scared I got the answers wrong.. Costochondritis, no theyve just said to ignore it, my GP says I've got acid reflux too which I know but its the fact my left arms sore too now thats worrying me.. though its always worse when I use it e/g typing...

17-12-10, 23:59
oh what are you like lol - looking at things then googling - so naughty!

Sounds to me like you have carpal tunnel syndrome or maybe what i do which is bad posture and gettng numbness.

Found this for you:

An anterior infarct is an infarct affecting the anterior surface of the heart - meaning the portion facing forward just beneath the chest wall. Usually, the left anterior descending artery is involved. Old, means just what it says - it is not new or acute. This means sometime in the past, there may have been damage to the anterior surface of the heart which altered the electrical conduction of that portion of myocardium, leaving signs on the EKG.

If you are worried about this then please do ask the doc about it saying you saw it.

18-12-10, 00:03
I did query it and she laughed, said she did one for her husband once when he had chest pain and it came back saying he was having a heart attack - she said it blatantly wasnt true, she could tell he wasnt, and said to me ecgs can show up all sorts of weird and wonderful things that arent corret, cos movement and lead placement can affect it but I wasn't so sure!

18-12-10, 00:29
Well be reasured then and don't give it another thought - what you need to do now is start that healthy living lifestyle and prevent the heart problems rather than wait for them!

18-12-10, 00:31
I still disagree about the ecg showing a heart attack when it wasnt and would question them on this.

It is obvious when the heart is damaged from a heart attack and they would not mistake it.

I am not saying you are lying but I question the validity of all of this

18-12-10, 00:50
Ok.. I will see what they say, maybe get a 2nd opinion.. Are you thinking that they might have missed something like? which is what I've been flapping about?

18-12-10, 00:53
It does say online that it can be a case of a nurse putting the leads on slightly wrong, or having a faster heartrate than normal.. So hopefully all ok..

18-12-10, 01:07
Well I've emailed british heart asking them for advice, I'm quite worried now lol

18-12-10, 10:54
I think I'm a bit daft for getting worried lol, I suppsoe GPs are probably really highly trained in ecgs and I'd hope she wouldn't make that big a mistake... If I was showing VT there's no way that would be followed by three normal ones, right?

18-12-10, 13:04
The BHF are very good - I have called their advice line before.

My previous heart attack shows quite clearly on the ECG. Not that I can see it as I have no idea what I am looking for but each time I have had an ECG they say that they can see that part of the heart is damaged.

18-12-10, 17:24
Yeah I emailed not long ago about palpitations and they messaged back and explained what was happening. I'm scared now as I went out for a long walk and now have a lot of chest pain and tension but my tummy's been spasming too. It's exactly the same pain as before, I'm not sure whats going on as it was cold outside too. Yeah I know what you mean - I suppose though if there were something bad they'd never have let me leave casualty, espec. considering I was there with chest pain at the time.. I was worrying about being short of breath but I think they mean that you'd be literally gasping, and I don't do that, just heavy breathing sometimes and sometimes I think I bring it on in myself!

I wish I could stop worrying and relax, I'm so scared Im going to ruin Christmas for myself!

18-12-10, 17:54
It's really sore and sharp but is more under my breasts and around my tummy than anything , every so often I get a shooting pain up my chest though. However I asked my mum to feel where it was sore and she says its all in spasm so probably, touch wood, God willing, not serious.