View Full Version : havin panic attack now,chest pains all day

17-12-10, 23:50
I posted earlier because i've been having possible heartburn (burning starting at the throat which travels to my chest), it's been happening every night for a few months and im terrified it could be serious although because im agoraphobic and social phobic ive been too frightend to seek medical advice, i have however used the ever so helpful Dr Google, bad move!
ive had loads of panic attacks and been anxious everyday, and having chest pain.
I've had chest pains all day today (had a bad night with constant painful burning), ive also had to face my feas and visit my fiances family an hour away, it took alot to get there and was away from home for 6 hours (very rare for me), ive had alot of anxity ad panic today, ive had 2 full blown panic attacks tonight, one at 6:45pm and another at 11pm, and i'm having another now. My chest hurts and now the heartburn thing has started again too.
I'm terrified and crying and so tense.

If i wasnt so agoraphobic and people phobic i'd go to hospial but im just so scared, if i could just be treated in an ambulance it wouldnt be so bad, but the hosp it only 2 minutes away from my home, and my fiance doesnt take my chest pain seriously, just tests me to relax.

ive never had an ecg (which i would love to have to reassure me, do they do those in ambulances?) but my doctor came out to me over a year ago now because i had alot of chest pain and she wasnt concerned and just checked my heart with a stethascope.

i just dont know what to do, im so frightend, and if i did get an ambulance, would they insst i went to hospital or would they be understanding and just treat me in my home or the ambulance?

Captain Caveman
18-12-10, 00:03
Hey there miss_mouse. I used to have shocking panic attacks. This article has helped me and many others: http://www.panicend.com/