View Full Version : heart failure?

17-12-10, 23:58
i was reading up on heart failure, and saw that consuming large amounts of alcohol can cause this. since being at uni in september i was drinking at lot, sometimes 5 nights a week... this was a way of trying to cope and try to adjust to my new surroundings and the people i live with. i suffer from social anxiety, so moving away to study was a HUGE step for me.

anyway, my heart has been playing up for about a month now, but since then i've reduced my consumption of alcohol. but what if i have heart failure, how would i know? what is the alcohol and the weed i smoked has damaged it in some way, because ever since smoking one night and waking up with a rapid heartbeat i've been constantly worrying and this is when these pauses in my heartbeat started to occur. its still happening and i also now have developed pain in my cheat and arms, back, neck, jaw and feel an awful crushing pain in the centre of my chest and as if im being strangled and sat on.

i had an ecg in august after calling out paramedics and i had a blood test in the same month, all fine and told i was healthy... but what if something else has developed since then????? this thought is ingrained in my mind and i can't remove it no matter what... i've posted loads about this, but i still can't handle it :(

i cant cope, no matter what i do i cant focus. im not overweight, im actually only 7 stone.... im 5ft2 and was 9 stone in october, but have lost 2 stone because i cant eat. i feel as if im dying, i cant go on like this, im 22, but feel older because of this stress. what can i do to calm down... i went out today but felt worse... went for a short walk and to the shop, but i felt as if i was about to collapse and had to come home. i feel so, so weak and fragile... i dont know what to do. my indigestion is really bad also.

what can i do?????????? i want to have a nice christmas, this time last year i was happy, although still anxious over certain things, but it wasn't chronic. now im a mess and i look awful, i cant even be bothered to wash my hair or wear make up anymore, becuase i feel so low, whats the point in trying to look nice when feeling like crap?

sorry about being a total mess and posting all the time, i just cant cope and really do think that im going to die. :(

18-12-10, 00:26

Yes large amounts of alcohol can cause an enlarged heart and hence damage. BUT they are talking long term drinking not just a few months or a year.

Technically I have heart failure having had a heart attack.

You need to try and get hold of this and stop worrying as you had an ECG and all was clear.

You do need to get out of bed and wash and get dressed.

Why worry about something that is highly unlikely?

If I can continue working with this then surely that means it is not so bad?

18-12-10, 00:47

Been there, done that - apart from the weed :winks: it would send me over the edge!!

See what my GP told me on Tuesday, every day find one thing to acheive. E/g tommorow, get up out of bed at a good hour, and get a lovely hot shower/bath. Trust me if you really pamper yourself it makes a difference. I'm notorious for neglecting myself and thats why I'm always feeling poorly!

My GP suggested to make things, like craft stuff, OR to go for a short walk every day, or to stick on the telly, a dvd, online shopping, write a pal a letter, bla bla bla, you get the picture :D

Do something so distracting you'll forget what you're worrying about, I know I do this a lot.

Your mind can really trick you into making things a lot worse than they really are, honestly.

What's your student residence like, are you in a private flat or is it halls? I'm in halls - got all 4 years there due to health and finance. Its good as you're never alone, and most have facilities on site - I know we have a gym, shop, cafe, pub, PC rooms and all the rest and even if these arent aesthetically pleasing places - havent been updated since the 70s - they are great for meeting people..

What about societies at uni? You have to really throw yourslef into it, thats what I learnt last year anyway..

As far as I know weed is fairly harmless - physically. To the best of my knowledge it can cause panic, paranoia and the like but physically it wont do much. I know my friend who has a chronic circulartory disease still smokes it. I'm not advocating it at all and I'd never encourage anyone to take drugs - but I think in this case you are alright and don't need to worry, you've tried it, it maybe doesnt agree with you and I doubt you'll try it again :winks:

I'm so sorry btw for not replying to your PM (oops) - I've been very overloaded with uni work and other things. But you know where I am should you need to talk - and I will, I promise, reply as soon as I can - just not tonight as I need some zzz!

Don't force yourself to eat or think about it too much as you'll end up fixating on it, instead eat when you're hungry... Try to get into the habit of eating three times a day yeah but no worries if you dont feel like it - when I'm in halls I am forever missing breakfast and I'm still OK! Get stuff you really enjoy if that makes it easier and ready meals, noodles, micro pizzas, whilst not always great, can be a Godsend if you really cant be bothered to cook!
Have a good nights sleep and speak to you soon,
Linda (daisy)

18-12-10, 00:53
Hey candicemarie88, I can relate to you on this, and I can only advise you the things I should be doing but unfortunately do not : Eat decent, get lots of sunlight, exercise, be playful and your overall mood will improve.

18-12-10, 02:16
Thanks guys :)

I've managed to calm down a little tonight by catching up on some episodes of good old Eastenders, haha!

According to a website I found on google (sorry), I read that lack of food and nutrition can actually cause increased acid and indigestion, which would explain why I still have gas even though I'm hardly eating anything. I know I need to improve my diet and since been at uni I haven’t had the money available to afford decent meals. During the first month I was eating a takeaway literally every single night!! However, i began eating less and less as the stress/anxiety began to increase and really effected my appetite.

I know I've been stupid and have researched my symptoms on google again and that's when heart failure appeared. Everyone else i know has consumed the same amount of alcohol as me, if not more, and my flatmate drinks and smokes weed daily. No, I'm never trying the stuff again; it was one of the worst experiences of my life and one which i regret!

Have tried being more sensible today and eating little and often, going to have a glass of milk now and watch some catch-up TV, as I know I won't be able to sleep until stupid o'clock!

I was just wondering if any of you have ever taken Kalms(?) My Dr said I might benefit from them if i experience difficulty sleeping during these initial few weeks of taking citalopram. Or if you know of anything else which might be more effective?

Anyway, thanks again and of course I'll no doubt post again tomorrow with more worries regarding my heart. I'll get there one day, but I do realise that it's going to be a rather long journey with potential obstacles along the way!

Night :) and thanks again x

18-12-10, 04:59
Glad you've managed to calm down! I've took Kalms and Quiet Life tablets, they're not a cure for anxiety obviously but they do take a bit of the edge off. Maybe get some of those and some Recue Remedy spray for when your feeling a bit anxious too or some of the sweets they do. The sweets/spray are more for comforting than an anxiety treatment in my opinion though. xx

18-12-10, 05:43
Seems like you might be feeling better.. Hope so..from your last post here.. I know im still getting nervous and worried but i have to QUIT this ..and stop worrying and realize that worry isn't going to help but might make it worse..feel better soon and take care. Michael