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22-03-06, 11:17
alarm bells ringing in your ears and head

last night i went to bed after speaking to a few people in chat from here
when i laid down all i got was alarm bells ringing in ears and head and my heart and brain felt llike they was pulsing really fast
has anyone had that before

22-03-06, 12:23
i get ringing in my ears but for me the worst is puting my head on the pillow and hearing my brain and heart pump into the pillow its horrid dya know what i mean

22-03-06, 13:13
yes i do know what you mean hun

22-03-06, 13:47
i get that ringing in my ears a lot. Night times are terrible. x

22-03-06, 13:48
i get that ringing in my ears a lot. Night times are terrible. x

22-03-06, 14:20
yep,same here,not always but most nites!Feels like you are turn in into road drill or sumsuch!!I f idoesnt go off i get upand do something to take my mind off it or a good one is put a walkman.,i-pod on and listen to some gentle tunes!love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

22-03-06, 14:24
yeah mary thats right hun it was driving me mad but i eventually got off to sleep
and i feel knackered today but thats cus off the tablets aswell
bell x

Sal x
22-03-06, 15:13
Yeah, I get this alot and it is quite freaky but we just have to learn to live with it................oh joy!

Sal x

22-03-06, 17:44
that was the first time it happened to me last night yes it was quite freaky but i couldnt say anything cus we had company last night

22-03-06, 19:23

I have constant ringing in my ears and I really hear it at night when I lay down because it is quiet and so nothing is blocking it out as during the day it is much noisier. Hope that was just a one time for you and it goes away.


22-03-06, 19:44
i have the ringing in the ear sometimes hun. i no what you mean i have it when i lay down and can feel my heart beat. first i push my ear in and out couple of times, then sit up and lay in different position where i cant feel my heart beat. this works for me hun. it might work for you. hope this helps.

sarah xx


22-03-06, 20:06
thanks all i will try your suggestion sarah
bell xx

22-03-06, 22:56
i get a constant noise in my head.. buzz and ring... f**k me what dont i get actually..
sometimes mine is all day long ...its ok sweet you areok.

ashley x

22-03-06, 23:43
Hi Hun

When i am totally stessed i get this and cant shift it until i manage to calm down.

I feel that i am looking in from the outside of a person that i dont know but then i also know it is me. Horrible feeling being detached but still not able to distract yourself from it.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

25-03-06, 10:29
it happened again last night