View Full Version : Facing desolation because of anxiety ?

18-12-10, 00:45
I'm facing desolation because of my GAD as I constantly yell at anyone who's standing on my way, some of my family members for instance, they're not worthy of a quarrel, their intentions are good but I assure you they don't know what they're doing, and it doesn't take much for their ignorance to tap on my nerves, it gets the best of me, I swear. :shrug:

All in all, I have somewhat a good reason to though, they have extremely unrealistic expectations over me and don't understand that I need time to get to know myself in order for me to bypass anxiety. I am sick of the embedded system in society, they think I should rather spend my entire youth worrying about my institutionalized education. :lac:

But....they want the best of me, but they refuse to understand otherwise because of their simple-mindedness (yes, simple mindedness, I actually said that). Sigh, I should at least show a little compassion but my mood won't cooperate.

Sigh, I feel uncontrollable and confused. I feel that my desperate case is unique whenever I'm among such people. :weep:

18-12-10, 05:35
Anxiety can sure make your life difficult and especially with people that don't understand. At least here everyone knows how you feel ..I do understand and feel your pain. I hope you feel better soon.Michael