View Full Version : Snow

18-12-10, 01:43
How unreal is that snow ??? i went to vist my auntie earlier who lives about 10 miles away so not really that far take about 20 minutes in the car anyway i left as the snow started to fall as i didnt wanna get stuck in it so i nippeed into the asda to grab just a few bits and was in there all of 10 mins when i came out i couldnt believe how much the snow had fallen :/ anyway my journey home then was driving around 5-10 miles per hour god so what usually takes me 20mins drive took me over an hour to get home the road came to a stand still all the cars just stopped on the motor way and just werent budging :/ i was starting to get bad palpitations as i felt as though i was stuck (well i was stuck) but i hate the feeling of not bein in control as if i need to go somewhere i can well i was stuck on this dark motor way that just halted/// and on my left i noticed the road i pass everyday that is coned off well i couldnt wait any longer i moved all the cones and started to drive that way as i new it was safe it had just been coned off to re-tar the road so hey i found a quick way home at lest and the palpitations finally settled :) but god looks like were stuck in for the next day or so if this snow carrys on :( i hate the snow as cant get out when u want to :(

18-12-10, 02:08
I have experienced this feeling as well.Sorry you had such a rough time .Hope you are feeling better soon..take care with the snow.Michael

Jamie C
18-12-10, 04:49

I love snow, altho i dont drive so i dont think i can have a say in this, yes its a very stressful condition to drive in an it takes alot of care and skill to complete a journey in, it makes me really annoyed when you've got the careful drivers minding their own business trying to complete their journey only for some posh snob in a range rover to bowl along at 85 thinking hes invincable in his big posh 4x4 only for him to crash and cause the road to come to a halt!

Not nice to hear about they traffic upsetting your HA but its good to hear you found an alternative route home and got home safely and are now feeling better.

just taken a picture from my backgarden and the snows still coming down hard (it doesnt show in the pic)
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1364.snc4/163605_477294018391_664648391_5955881_2583408_n.jp g

Hope your all ok

Cheers Jamie C

18-12-10, 09:27
am not one who likes the snow well i did when i was younger but maybe now with having bad HA i just feel locked in i cant get out if i want to well i can get out but cant walk or drive far in that i always think of the wht ifs when the weather is like this (what is i need to get to hospital or need an ambulance etc,, they will take a long while to get to me) its really takes over HA its horrible :(

18-12-10, 14:22
We have had our fair share this year too...


18-12-10, 16:54
We have had our fair share this year too...


looks lovely when no1 has stood in it :)

18-12-10, 18:01
We have had our fair share this year too...


You have low fences in your part of the world:shrug:

Built an igloo in my garden!

18-12-10, 18:13
Baileys Bottleblond and I live int he same town we had about 1.2 metres of the stuff :D

18-12-10, 18:25
Baileys Bottleblond and I live int he same town we had about 1.2 metres of the stuff :D

Thats almost 4ft, its bad enough here with 8inchs........so you do have high fences then:D

18-12-10, 18:33
i had to go out in it to check on my old mum,,it was just a blizzard on the way,,she only lives 10 mins in the car,,but i was shaking ,,,good job i wasnt driving i dread to think,,then in half an hour the roads were becoming unpassable,,cars blocking roads,,slipping as we did,,,by the time we got home i couldnt stop shaking,,my chest hurt where id held my breath,,and its taken till now for me to get warm,,if i get too panic striken i cant get warm,,,still as much as i adore snow,,i hate it at the mo as im scared i wont be able to travel to check on mum,,its making me a nervous wreck

18-12-10, 18:57
We have had our fair share this year too...


were is this you live?

blue moon
19-12-10, 08:03
I would love a bit of snow at the moment,it is so darn hot and humid hear in Queensland where I live:mad:

19-12-10, 11:16
We're never happy Petra lol. My car skidded badly on black ice coming off a roundabout last night. I'm soooo glad there were no other cars near me. Could not have coped with an accident AT ALL at the moment. Actually felt like somebody up there likes me for once.

19-12-10, 11:56
I hate driving in the snow.
Ive been looking out the window this morning and the only people venturing out are the oldies with their zimmer frames and sticks, they seem to be fearless.
One old man was bombing down the road in his mobility scooter, i should have asked him to get me a loaf on his travels.:blush:

19-12-10, 12:01
Lol Baileys. I think I'll see if my mum can get one of those as she's barely leaving the house just now. In fact ... I quite fancy one myself :yesyes:

19-12-10, 14:07
I LOVE snow, always have, always will.

I love how everything appears brighter and cleaner with it, and I suppose Freud would say it is a happy childhood memory thing too.

Here's a pic of my back garden....


19-12-10, 16:24
I would love a bit of snow at the moment,it is so darn hot and humid hear in Queensland where I live:mad:

well your welcome to take are snow anyday as i hate t and find it makes my anxiety a whole lot worse for the thought that you cant really go out !! x

19-12-10, 16:25
I hate driving in the snow.
Ive been looking out the window this morning and the only people venturing out are the oldies with their zimmer frames and sticks, they seem to be fearless.
One old man was bombing down the road in his mobility scooter, i should have asked him to get me a loaf on his travels.:blush:

LMAO :roflmao:

blue moon
20-12-10, 00:31
Hi Debs
love your pic,it is beautifull,i wish I was there:weep:so hot here.
Love Petra x

20-12-10, 02:39
Aah, thanks Petra!

Yeh, it is certainly a bit different from Oz right now isn't it?

lots of love and Happy Christmas...xxx

blue moon
20-12-10, 03:20
I just watched the news and it is snowing in victoria,wow that is wierd.We have rain and heat in QLd while down south it is cold,what a diverse country I now live in
Lots of love and Merry Christmas to you and yours debs xxxx
Petra x:flowers:

Jamie C
21-12-10, 03:10
Proper annoyed now, the snow meant my dr couldn't get to the surgery today so i had to cancel my appointment!! (hes sposed to live a mile up the road??)

anyway, we had some mega blizzards last night which left nearly 8 inches in most places but at its deepest up to 3 foot!!

This is how much fell last night (the table had been cleared) but this laid on top of the already settaled 5 inches of snow! mental! never seen so much snow in me life
http://l16.sphotos.l3.fbcdn.net/hphotos-l3-snc6/hs031.snc6/166097_478450073391_664648391_5975383_6860545_n.jp g

Heres another pic across the feild behind my house, just beyond the post there is a ditch, and when i went out there i forgot about the ditch and promtly fell in it, the snow was atleast 3/4 foot in there lol!

21-12-10, 18:47
wow all the ictures of the snow look fab i do think snow makes the place look lovely i just hate it as its to cold and tonight it is meant to be falling to -27 here i have never in all my life had it that cold here x

21-12-10, 18:52
The frost in Basingstoke last week :)