View Full Version : Smear test....

18-12-10, 02:42
Basically i was wondering how to book one... im 22 and have been sexually active since 16 and have had 2 sexual partners. i think it might be a good idea to book one now??

can you have them done at GUM clinics?

thanks :)

18-12-10, 13:10
I know it's different in England than from Scotland but once you hit "of age" you get a leaflet stating that you should book a smear test. and then from that every 3 years you get them regularyl. I'm from Scotland and it was my gp that done it but she did it because I was having severe pelvic pain. Phone your gp and see but at sexual clinics most definitely you can get them x

18-12-10, 13:11
The nurses do them at the GP surgery mainly.

18-12-10, 13:45
I get mine done by the Nurse at the Dr s .But you can also get them done at the family planning clinics ...sue x

18-12-10, 17:41
hey thanks... Is 'of age' 25? i think getting one done asap would put my mind at rest. My gp has never mentioned it to me, so maybe I should just wait until he does or I recieve a letter?

18-12-10, 17:49
In England they upped the age to 25 and there was a bit of an outcry but I would see your gp and state whatever concerns you have and ask :)