View Full Version : bad day

18-12-10, 02:52
My cystitis/urethral discomfort has been bad today and I'm starting to think I might have interstitial cystitis so can I ask anyone out there how this starts?

Does it start with a bout of 'normal' cystitis or does it come on gradually over time?

I think I'm tensing down there 'cos I'm preparing myself for a urethral 'spasm' and then a few hours of doing this leads to an aching - does anyone else get this? I'm also now worrying about cancer of the vulva as the ache is kind of all over the area when it happens.

I know I really need to get it checked out but I'm too scared, the thought of being referred and having to have a camera put in my urethra would just seem impossible for me right now.

I've been in a very stressful situation all day today and this really seems to make my problems worse.

Also seems worse when I am constipated or need to pass wind so I'm also thinking a tumour in my bowel could be pressing on my bladder/urethra.

Sorry, I know this all makes me sound like a complete hypocondriac but I'm getting really stressed and because of Christmas & New Year my next CBT session is not until 7 Jan!

18-12-10, 05:30
Sorry you are feeling bad.I am not a woman but can understand..I have been plagued by some rather similar feelings recently.I thought it was pudendal pain but think now its maybe prostate enlargement but then I don't know for sure but the spasms are terrible
and im not one to have a camera put anywhere up my you know what so I have been avoiding the doctor too.I hope mine gets straightened out here soon.Like I said im not a woman but do have some weird feelings in those areas too and its not funny.Take care feel better soon.Michael

18-12-10, 19:50
Thanks for your reply Michael. Tell me what is pudendal pain?

The camera thing's really scary isn't it - I can't tell you how brave I think people must be to have it done and then to wait for results I really don't think I could go thru' it.

18-12-10, 20:15
My wife tells me all the time not to worry..she has had this and other things done and its no biggy .. But guess she is tougher than I am..The pudendal nerve sits between the back of the scrotum and the anus..it supplies blood and urine and sperm to the penis via a tube or nerve system there.Sometimes people ride horses or bikes or get an injury in that area that causes problems and the problems vary from one person to the other.I hadn't really had any issues with prostate until I went biking and not sure if I have classic prostate problems or pudendal or both.They say when you have problems down there with urine flow and semen flow etc they will take a cathader first and then put a camera behind to check to see what is going on.I don't want either of these and think they would freak me out.

18-12-10, 20:26
My cystitis/urethral discomfort has been bad today and I'm starting to think I might have interstitial cystitis so can I ask anyone out there how this starts?

Does it start with a bout of 'normal' cystitis or does it come on gradually over time?

I think I'm tensing down there 'cos I'm preparing myself for a urethral 'spasm' and then a few hours of doing this leads to an aching - does anyone else get this? I'm also now worrying about cancer of the vulva as the ache is kind of all over the area when it happens.

I know I really need to get it checked out but I'm too scared, the thought of being referred and having to have a camera put in my urethra would just seem impossible for me right now.

I've been in a very stressful situation all day today and this really seems to make my problems worse.

Also seems worse when I am constipated or need to pass wind so I'm also thinking a tumour in my bowel could be pressing on my bladder/urethra.

Sorry, I know this all makes me sound like a complete hypocondriac but I'm getting really stressed and because of Christmas & New Year my next CBT session is not until 7 Jan!

Aw hun I've had that too - I had a horrible UTI last summer when it all went into spasm and I just couldn't wee at all, it was odd as it wasn't particularly sore but they said definitely an infection.. You could also be tensing up your muscles - I do that too, there and in my chest, my face, my hands - very much anxiety. Relaxation techniques can help especially the ones where you're deliberately clenching the muscles and then relaxing them for a count of five, things like that. And even if you do get reffered - my mum's had that, she was dead worried about the procedure having a lot of anx herself, but got through it ok and I'm sure you will too :) xx