View Full Version : Weightloss

18-12-10, 03:27
Hi there I have lost about a stone in 3 weeks and I am overweight so I was thrilled but now I've been thinking that I still eat takeaways nd chocolate although I hav possibly been eating less in general but I also know that losing weight quickly without being on a diet is a sign of cancer. Is my weightloss normal? I am really freaking out.

Please reply ASAP
love Louise xXx

18-12-10, 05:24
Had about the samething happen to me.Actually what is happening is you are probably not eating as much as usual and its hard to tell unless you keep up with what you are eating and many times its not what you are eating its how much.I too was happy to loose some weight and then thought oh no cancer.Im sure its nothing to worry about.Try to be happy you lost some and as i need to be. lol..Feel better soon relax and take care.Michael

19-12-10, 04:59
hi, yeah it could just be where im eating less. i was unemployed from feb till sept and i put on two stone. any signs that weightloss could more serious than just weightloss?

Please Reply
Love Louise

19-12-10, 05:08
In my situation .. I don't think so and from what you are saying ..probably not.Its that age old culprit about anxiety..Hey got an idea.. check out what I posted about famous people and what they went through.I think one of them or maybe all of them mentioned weight loss.. Im sorry Im not sure of how to be of greater help.We have a resident doctor but I suppose he is too busy to answer general questions like ours..I should have been a doctor I guess.. Michael

19-12-10, 06:08
if your suffering from anxiety is very normal to lose weight plus it's good you have a bit of extra weight on you so your not going to end up underweight :-)
it's definitely possible that your appetite has gotten smaller due to nerves, also when your anxious your much more tense and that too can burn extra calories.
I have a friend who recently lost weight due to work related stress, she's an emotional eater ,but she started to suffer from anxiety and noticed she was losing wight.
I my self was on the edge of being underweight due to anxiety,
if you are worried you could mention this to your doctor, I know it can be a bit scary when you lose weight with out trying to, but it's very common x