View Full Version : PLEASE if someone is awake help me

18-12-10, 06:42
i am havig a panaic attack horribly my boyfriend just left and im going insane i have thoughts he will die and i have separation anxiety so bad from him i am ruining my relationship. i need help

18-12-10, 07:41
its gonna be ok he WILL come back . ok i know this sounds strange but my psychiatrist said that the more u fear thoughts the more anxious u will become.... he told me to keep repeating the bad thought to my self over and over again... try to think only that thought ! ur mind will eventually become less afraid of it and bored...it worked for me. lots of ppl on here understand exactly how u feel. everything is going to be ok i know u dont think that now but u will see . xxxx:hugs:

18-12-10, 07:58
Hi Dani I suffer seperation anxiety too. Iknow how bad you feel, try to distract yourself by doing something you enjoy. The mind is a powerful thing and plays all kinds of tricks on us when anxious. You will be okay.
Take care

18-12-10, 11:42
Hope you were ok and feel better, sorry to hear you were feeling panicky ._.

Hoppi :)

18-12-10, 15:17
I would like to say that it sounds like it would be a great idea for you to expand your social circle and if you already have enough people around you then spend more time with them. I always say never put all your eggs in one basket or one person for that matter!! If we do that the the anxiety around the potential loss of that person is greater..of course any loss especially of a partner would be painful but if you know you have people around to support you and keep you company then the pain would be greatly eased by that......