View Full Version : Help needed quick

18-12-10, 08:49
I have had the migraine from hell for 3 days, today its at its worst I think with sickness pain aching limbs, bad vision and it has brought on a pannic/anxiety attack, Can I take Migraleve pink with propranolol

I feel like i'm going to have a stroke or something!

18-12-10, 09:37
I've took the propanolol to help calm me down until I can find out if its safe to take the pink migraleve, but could this also be a stress, anxiety headache, its right at the front on my forehead, inpairing my vision a bit and making me feel sick, i've had the initial headache 3 days now with the other migrain syptoms (aura, dizziness/light headedness, feeling i'm going to fall) its all exhausting and a time when I have lots to do and just can't be bothered!

18-12-10, 09:41
YES you can take Migraleve pink with propranolol as they are just BETA BLOCKERS i get bad headaches all the time i find mine are usually due to my anxiety and stressing over them 24/7

18-12-10, 10:10
Thankyou HoneyP1e:)