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april tones
22-03-06, 12:29
im really worried! i know my mind is going overtime but my dad has same symptoms as me and has ecg,holter which was normal. im worried we both have some hereditry heart problem. so scared! got no one to talk to right now, partner at work xx


april tones
22-03-06, 12:31
hi, my dad also suffers black outs which scares me even more. he does have high blood pressure though? would this cause this? im scared im having all same symtoms as my dad. please help. love april x


22-03-06, 12:34
Hi April,

Does your dad suffer from anxiety? If so that could be it. If not remember many people get palpitations as they get older even if they are not anxious, so it could just be that. My boss is only mid 40's and she gets them but she is ok and doesn't have anxiety either. Another colleague of mine is 24 and she gets them occasionally and doesn't have anxiety either. Most palps end up being normal and harmless.
I know it's hard but it doesn't mean you both have a hereditary disorder, especially as all the tests are normal.

I can't really say about the blackouts as I'm not sure if bp can do that, maybe someone else can help with that.

Take care,

Lisa x

april tones
22-03-06, 12:36
hi, would an ecg pick serious problems up or arythmias?
i hate feeling like this! feel so weak and on edge! my period is day late, i wish it would come and relieve me of all tbis worry!
i have phoned gp this morning so waiting for call back. you see on my other psot. thx for reply
my dad suffers from terrible anxiety,panic and probely fibro like me x


april tones
22-03-06, 12:44
hi, i am just going mad! im thinking its serious arthmias which can cause blacouts and sometimes premeture death, im thinking mild heart failure alsorts!!!
just spoke to gp. she said it sounds anxity/pms related. mentioned about my dad she said to come down get checked out today x

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22-03-06, 13:04
Hi April,

Yes ECG's can show serious problems. There are many reasons for blackouts and some are quite simple so try not to worry too much.
I know I have bad heart symptoms and bad anxiety when my period is due and it's horrible.
I hope the doctor can reassure you.

Lisa x

22-03-06, 13:36
april let us know how you get on but seriouls y does sound like anxiety. it is unlikely to be hereditory and yes ecgs do pick up problems

its hard i know to convince people like us thar there is nothing wrong, but your doctor will do her best, try to believe her

april tones
22-03-06, 16:12
hiya! had another one this afternoon. dont normally get in daytime. my period is due yesterday as you know. i was shouting at my son as he was playing up then i felt one! do you think this triggered it? it was scary but no way as bad as last nights. so if they not gettingw worse then must be ok. got awful trapped wind latelty, feel that cramping around chest and side too, especailly now! just had some milk. weird how its always heart side which makes me panic x


april tones
22-03-06, 16:46
i have appoinment at doctors woth gp i spoke to this afternoon. going at 5.50
what will she do? listen to heart?bp?what about ecg? i have had one of these 4 yrs ago but scared as it might show something, if so il freak out x


22-03-06, 22:16
Hi April,
Glad to hear the docs appt went well and that she was able to tell you it was anxiety/stress.

Take care,

Lisa x