View Full Version : Please help or advice or a chat buddy :(

18-12-10, 10:30
Hi i have just found this site and thought id try and make contact with others who suffer from panic disorders.

I am 28 and have been suffering from panic attacks since i was a teenager.
I have had times where i have been at the doctors everyday cause i thought i was dying, other than trying to put me on tablets and give me some counselling thats all the treatment that ive had.

I managed to calm my panic down on my own mainly due to having to because my partner left me and our 3 children.

But just recently its all flared back up again dec is a very bad time of the year for me because when i was little my dad and grandmother died, just recently me and the kids are always ill and its scaring me cause i keep thinking something bads going to happen.

I cant control it at the moment again i went back to the doctors and broke down she gave me some tablets calles dosulepin ? but im to scared to take them apparently they help you sleep and make you feel calmer the next day.

I just want to be better i never want to have another panic attack again.

And at the moment im panicking over things i cant control such as the snow cause i think if me or kids get ill nobody can get to us.

does anyone know of any good self help books or anything ?

or is anyone else in the same situation who just want to talk ?

18-12-10, 10:31
Hi charmaine1982

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
18-12-10, 10:48
Hi and welcome to NMP . After 5 days you can come into the chatroom , Hop to see you in there

Paige x

18-12-10, 10:50
Hi Charmaine
Tough isn’t it. Christmas always brings on my anxiety – my dad died on boxing day a few years ago so I can sympathise, don’t like xmas anyway.:D

You say the docs have only offered meds and counselling sadly there isn’t a fat lot else that’s why sites like this are a boom, it’s an enormous help to chat with people in similar situations and know you are not alone and when you get to the stage that you can offer help you really begin to realise it isn’t all bad.

There are some familiar faces/names on here that are really good at giving sound advice in a matronly way so don’t be afraid to ask. :)

18-12-10, 10:56
hi and welcome............ :)

am like you my am 28 and right now my anxiety its at a HIGH i hate this way of living i also now having an eating disorder which started from loss of appetite from my anxiety :weep: but i am taking little steps to get it back..
i have read a few books by claire weeks (how to calm your nerves) is a good one.. would love to chat anytime x x
Take care x

18-12-10, 11:02
Thanks for replies.

Im just so fed up of people thinking that im loosing the plot when im not.

But im at the stage where i dont want to be on my own does anyone else get like this ?

Ive also had no appetite recently dont know if its because i have a flu bug or due to my panic !

I actually brought self help for your nerves by Claire weekes a few days ago after reading it i felt really positive then i went down hill again :(

18-12-10, 11:45
You don’t say where you are from. If you look at the heading just below introductions there is a section ‘meets and get together’s’- there is likely to be someone close to you who might like to meet for coffee or similar

18-12-10, 11:50
Thanks for replies.

Im just so fed up of people thinking that im loosing the plot when im not.

But im at the stage where i dont want to be on my own does anyone else get like this ?

Ive also had no appetite recently dont know if its because i have a flu bug or due to my panic !

I actually brought self help for your nerves by Claire weekes a few days ago after reading it i felt really positive then i went down hill again :(

were so alike i just hate bein alone so now i always have some1 with me..
also i lose all my appetite around sept and have now got an eating disorder and lost 2 stone :( i was only just under 8st to start with so really did not need to lose it but i have now the past week & half started to eat little again & hopefully will be bk up to 8st again soon...
were r u from?

18-12-10, 11:58
Yeh we do definatly sound the same !!

I havent got anyone with me at the moment which is making me more panicky cause no one can get to me cause of all the snow.

Im from Crowborough in East sussex

18-12-10, 12:21
am back living at my dads right now as i lost so much weight for that little bit of help and support its good to have some1 around you but as you said this weather aint helping x