View Full Version : Would really like a bit of support atm ._.

18-12-10, 12:23
Yeah erm, in my head and in my life I'm totally ok I think, but I've been going through a bit of a rough patch with some elements of my health, that is manifesting itself on the outside as skin and hair problems and a bit more, I think I know what I need to do to fix it but I'm just really scared as my hair looks so much weaker than it used to, and stuffs. It's not serious dw, just troublesome, but I guess I would love to find someone just to be there to help me, you know? Just while I try to fix this as I think I know what I have to do.. hm.. tricky ._.

But yeah thanks for reading, and if anyone thinks they could be like a "shoulder" in this case that would be really nice, but I understand if not :)


paula lynne
18-12-10, 12:30
Hi Hoppi, whats happening with your skin and hair? Can your gp/chemist recommend anything you can use on your hair and skin?.
My hair has gone really thin, but Im having good results with "New" shampoo bar, from Lush. Check it out online, its about £6, but lasts ages.

How is Lewis the Piggy getting on with this snow then?!

18-12-10, 13:08
I'm gonnae sound like an old record but stress plays havoc on the hair and skin and hormone imbalances too. I've had more problems in the past year or two and it's def showing hair and skin wise. I agree with askin the chemist if there's anything?Or i fyou know then good luck and I'm here to support you :) xx

18-12-10, 13:53
Hoppi, I feel for you as I have similar problems right now....finer hair, skin probs (eczema and ongoing ringworm which has been a problem now for 8 weeks) and those kind of things really get you down don't they? I think it is bad enough to feel rotten inside, but when it manifests to the outside it is a real downer on top of everything.

I know it is not much comfort but you are not alone in this.

Take Care.xxx:hugs:

18-12-10, 14:07
Yeah erm, well the thing is my hair and skin were both perfectly fine until around August last year, when I got terrible abdominal cramping in response to mayonnaise (and I presume all raw egg). I also got a milder digestive response to cooked egg, and milder still to some kinds of fat. My skin and hair both fell shortly afterwards, so I'm blaming malabsorption and hormonal problems due to my liver not being able to release bile properly (sounds technical I know hehe, but it makes perfect sense!). It's just... of course even though I am very confident in this theory, it's still so scary, as the insides of one's body are still ultimately a mystery. I guess... I think I know, I really do, but I just want this nightmare to be over :(

18-12-10, 23:24
I'm not saying your "theory" is right or wrong Hoppi but remember that anxiety and stress can also cause responses like these. Sometimes we just don't know why these things happen and you come across as a responsible type of person. As you said, the insides of one's body are still ultimately a mystery. I agree.

You can always PM me if you want a chat.

12-01-11, 13:49
Sorry I've been quiet and thank you for the kind words :)

I'm working quite hard to heal my digestion now and I think I know how this is all going to work! I'll post it here if I have success! hehe ^^

12-01-11, 13:59
Hi Hoppi, glad you think you're winning. Internally - silica is a good supplement for probs with hair etc. Externally - I got Body Shop Rainforest Moisture hair butter from my daughter and I'm finding it really good (£3 for a small pot) x

14-01-11, 03:29
Yeah I thiiink I have an issue with "toxic bile" in the liver caused by bacteria (probably left over and multiplying from food poisoning about 18 months ago lol). Out comes the oregano... heh.

14-01-11, 15:02
If you ever need to rant or offload...I'm here!! :-)