View Full Version : NEED TO KNOW

22-03-06, 12:50
Does anyone get eye strain a desription is basically mainly when waking up it feels like someone has pushed them in while u were asleep, and its stiff to open them, ive read a few eye symptoms but i just wanted to know if anyone experiences it like this because my fear is a brain tumour or is the eye thing yet another common anxiety symptom

thanks for reading guys x

22-03-06, 13:48
Hello the eye symptom it very common I believe I get that when I wake up then it generally ends up giving me a migraine. I spoke to my doctor about it he just said oh well maybe you should were your glasses. I was like (“hello”) my glasses are VDU I wear them when I’m on my pc or playing the computer not every moment of the day. I was so convinced that my eyes were going to be messed up and I was going to go blind or something so I decided to get them tested and they were the same as before.

I still continue to wear my glasses simply for VDU and I use eye drops, which I have found offer me some light relief. My personal theory is this is a result of my eyes been dry when I wake up and the tension from the anxiety causes them to strain. I wish I could wake up push a wee button and it would go away but if life was that simple I would be a millionaire living in a mansion in Spain but it isn’t, so my doctor tells me so what do we do.

I think it is good to ask these questions to fellow nmp sufferers and I’m glad you raised it because it something I was concerned about and I look forward to reading what people responses are.

22-03-06, 14:02
thanks robert your a good pal. my doc trold me 100% this is tension like you get in the kneck but u get it in ur eyes too. he was so adamant about everything and didnt fob me off so it calms me down to think he was so patient with me plus he has been thbru this himself

22-03-06, 14:09
Hi katy, i got that too and always the left eye! I went doctors he sent me for gluacoma test and cat scan just to ease the preasure of me worrying about it he said but he knew it werent gluacoma. was all negative in the end It is actually from tension headache preasure builds up behind the eyes. I used to get it after drinking alot too! all gone now though.... But like you, i was worrying about brain tumour etc etc... worry worry worry think the worst worry more. even we do find out nothings wrong its like oh ok what else is wrong with me, something must be wrong with me lol when were as fit as a fiddle

23-03-06, 00:02
I understand how you feel and feel it to but luckly for me it has passed and with you getting lots of help here it will pass for you too.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".