View Full Version : extremely tired all the time

18-12-10, 14:08
i have no idea why i am so so so tired all the time :unsure: just feel like sleeping most of the day but i cant becuz ive a one year old girl to look after. just feel so beat the whole time. lack of energy and don't feel the urge to even go out of the house to do the shopping even! i get enough sleep at night approx 7 hours or so but woken up twice sometimes by my little girl. shoiuld i start some vitamins or something?

18-12-10, 14:15
You may, one vitamin pill after lunch won't harm anyone and is an extra boost but I would see a doctor if I were you to rule out other possible causes.

18-12-10, 14:23
ill start on some vitamins first. dont like taking trips to the doc! altho he will be my last resort

18-12-10, 16:19
I get really really tired like that if I'm under a lot of stress. I'm not sure what advice I have, it might just be something that gets better as you combat the anxiety.

I hope you feel better soon :)

18-12-10, 18:55
thank you. yes, im stressed out lately so maybe its that. and headaches as well. must try relax now when the baby is in bed ah bliss :)

margaret jones
18-12-10, 20:06
Hi no wonder you feel tired a 1yr old keeps you busy i bet , also this time of the yr Christmas extra stress and busy planning for the family .
Maybe taking a multivitamin might help ?? xxx take care xx