View Full Version : Face tumour/Brain Tumour/Bruxism/Sinuses?

18-12-10, 15:28
I really need to try and get to the bottom of this, I have had this problem since September but its worse now, It consists of:-

Feeling of pressure in my head, nose, cheekbones.
Pain in the cheekbones, head, nose, ears

When i went to the dentist in September they said my sinuses were clear.

I went to the Opticians last week for an eye test, they wanted to check something in my eye so they did extra eye tests but everything was ok.

When i had a filling at the dentist yesterday they said some of my teeth were slightly worn down.

I am seeing an ENT on Thursday, Just hope i havent got a tumour anywhere.

19-12-10, 22:58
I wonder if i could actually have a tumour in my face? I am getting alot of aches and pains and pressure in my face, cheekbones, eyes, ears and cheeks.

I am slightly worried about a brain tumour as well as i keep getting a lot of headaches in the front and back of my head.

I went for an eye test last week, I was under the impression that Opticians pick up brain tumours?

19-12-10, 23:13
Eggy - you probably do have something seriously wrong and you will find out soon enough once you have all your appointments.

That is what you want to hear isn't it?

19-12-10, 23:26
Funnily i have the same problems but my glands in my neck swelled too and would get terrible pain in my ears and jaw ache. After going back and forward to the docs with this suspected virus it ended up after 3 weeks being .......TMJ. Basically it is all caused my clenching my teeth or can be caused be excessive chewing of gum x hope this heps x

19-12-10, 23:33
I wonder if i could actually have a tumour in my face? I am getting alot of aches and pains and pressure in my face, cheekbones, eyes, ears and cheeks.

I am slightly worried about a brain tumour as well as i keep getting a lot of headaches in the front and back of my head.

I went for an eye test last week, I was under the impression that Opticians pick up brain tumours?


blue moon
20-12-10, 00:48
Once again Eggy your H/A is out of control

20-12-10, 02:21
Eggy - you probably do have something seriously wrong and you will find out soon enough once you have all your appointments.

That is what you want to hear isn't it?

Erm NO!!! But i will find out either way soon enough.

20-12-10, 05:28
Erm NO!!! But i will find out either way soon enough.

Thank god for that!

21-12-10, 12:50
Eggy i really sympathise with you and feel that having a go at you because your seeking constant reassurance is out of order !!!! You have health anxiety as i do myself and seeking constant reassurance and worrying we have something seriously wrong with us is all part and parcel of it. I know how you feel because i am struggling myself at the moment. Surely we can post as many times as we like even if it means repeating ourselves even if it only makes us feel better for a short time. Thought this was what coming on here was all about.
Take care
Tracey xxx

21-12-10, 14:41
If your teeth are a bit worn, that indicates bruxism. And yes, you can have all of those symptoms all day, just from grinding at night. I did for several weeks, until the initial side effects of sertraline wore off. Again, it can be caused by anxiety and SSRIs.

TBH Eggy, we've all said the same thing over and over again, but we aren't doctors. I can't tell whether you are looking for reassurance, an answer, a cure or what, from us! Nothing we say really helps you. That's not a criticism, I'm just not sure what kind of help you want.

The ENT exam should be able to clear this all up for you - if that's all clear, I would investigate a teeth shield for bruxism, and maybe get some head massages. If you had a facial tumour you would have a lot of very very strange symptoms going on - whereas your symptoms, currently, can all be explained by muscle tension. Look at it this way - several of us on here have had these symptoms, and none of us have a facial tumour, do we?

21-12-10, 21:17
Eggy i really sympathise with you and feel that having a go at you because your seeking constant reassurance is out of order !!!! You have health anxiety as i do myself and seeking constant reassurance and worrying we have something seriously wrong with us is all part and parcel of it. I know how you feel because i am struggling myself at the moment. Surely we can post as many times as we like even if it means repeating ourselves even if it only makes us feel better for a short time. Thought this was what coming on here was all about.
Take care
Tracey xxx

Hi Tracey :)

I think part of the problem with so many repeated posts listing symptoms over and over again is that it might be fine for the poster but it is extremely frustrating for anyone who anyone who takes time to answer them!

Lots of answers are given, then new threads appear all over the place..it makes things very confusing.

It would make more sense to add to an existing post rather than starting a new thread for exactly the same thing...makes it easier to find posts too.

22-12-10, 10:51
point taken ladybird xxx

23-12-10, 15:30
Thought i would post on here instead of posting a new thread.

Recently i feel tired all the time and drowsy, dizzy and i am getting more and more headaches and they are lasting hours on end sometimes.

This morning for the first time ever i woke up with a mild/moderate headache and it went away and it has come back again, I also get eye pain.

Obviously i am now more convinced that i have a brain tumour because i shouldn't be getting all these headaches and feeling tired all the time and feeling a bit drowsy as well.

23-12-10, 15:58
Im sorry eggy.but my doc told me if u had a tumour u would have ur psin in the same place.u would b being violently sick.passing out and ur eyesight would b double vision!u wou:)ld know!

23-12-10, 16:16
Thanks Kirsty,

Well i have recently been to the opticians to have my eyes tested and they did extra tests on my eyes as they said that one eye looked different to the other so they checked the nerve endings and everything and things were ok, That was around 2 weeks ago.

23-12-10, 16:25
Ur welcome.i know how hard it is.i have had every illness possible and i still get scared now wen somewhere hurts or i feel weird.but i know my anxiety aggravates the symptoms. More.eye tests can shiw so many thingz that r wrong with u.i also had an all clear eyetest a few wkz ago.u need to occupy urself eggy with other thingz,dont let it take over ur life anymore. :D

paula lynne
23-12-10, 16:41
I hope that you can put all your problems to one side and enjoy spending quality time with your children Eggy. Its hard when you feel ill, as most of us do, but somehow we manage, its about the kids after all. Im glad that after your appointment today, it was just reflux. That is totally managable.

I hope that your book regarding anxiety has finally arrived, you ordered it over a month ago...and I hope it helps you. Havent seen my postman for over 2 weeks mind, think hes in Barbados.....

Well, I just want to wish you well Eggy, and all that you wish for yourself in 2011. Im just off to the hospital, had bad news, my friend Connie has cancer, and has about 3 weeks to live, and I just heared my friend Matt ( a nurse) died from a heart attack whilst working on a ward 4 days ago........gosh, it makes you think doesnt it. Heres me moaning about vertigo and pins and needles................

Best wishes to you and all your family, and I really hope you start to feel better very very soon. Im sure you are doing all you can to help yourself, and thats all any of us can do in the end.

Love and hugs, Paula x