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18-12-10, 16:42
:weep:Hi,this is my first post,im in a state and have been for months..July this year i had alot of lower abdo/back pains,my gp arranged a pelvic ulrasound which showed some cysts on my ovaries i see the gyn drs in January to discuss this..i was convinced a had cancer my GP did bloods all were normal,then i got pains in my stomach so my did a upper scope they found inflammation in my stomach,i then got into my head i had bowel cancer i then was given a lower scope they did my full colon and found nothing except my bowel contracts quickly,my right side hurts and my right shoulder blade when i eat...they did a ultrasound to check for gallstones they found nothing..my bloods were repeated in Nov as im convinced ive cancer,they came back normal,im now in pain daily..bottom of back/right/left sides,arms,neck,ribs,hands you name it i feel pain there..i have tingling in my fingertips and toes sometimes..i cry all day everyday thinking im dying,ive two small kids and im terrified im leaving them..my GP says its all in my mind.

18-12-10, 17:27
Hi there,just want to say hello and welcome and also so sorry for what you're going through,I'm not much with words at the moment but it's awful when you feel like your not being understood by your gp and the worst thing to be told is that it's all in your head! I too have been having back pain, stomach pain and at first was lower stomach but has moved uppwards and actually have an ultrasound this Wednesday which ofcourse I'm freaking out about! I know when something is wrong and we focus it gets worse to the point you don't really know what's sore where and why so I know til my scan..I'm trying MY DAMNED HARDEST not to think about the pain and see what happens. That is not to say three hours down the line I'll be on here freaking.

A week or two ago I was on conviced I was having an ectopic pregnancy but my recent fear is ovarian cancer,stomach or something wrong my liver! msg if you want to talk xxx

18-12-10, 17:34
welcome and dont worry to much my doc is the same same sometimes they dont listen to you? they keep telling me its anxiety? but i know its not ?

18-12-10, 18:20
Thanks for the replies,hes been good at arranging the tests quickly but i know its not anxiety,he reckecked my bloods last month just to try and convince me that no cancer is present,he told me my bloods were as good as his and my inflammation blood test was normal..im on tablets for my gastritis and also duloxetine for my anxiety..but none is working,its Christmas next week and im a crying mess,my hands shake alot and my arms feel heavy,my heads just a fuzzy mess, i wonder if i have MS as my pains move but i dont know if MS actually hurts..MS wouldnt bother me..its a never ending circle of pain and panicking.

18-12-10, 22:50
Pain is not a symptom of ms other than in later muscle spasms but you would have loads more obvious symptoms before that. have you read the list of symptoms on the left of anxiety - hate to say this but the shaking tingling random pains etc can all be anxiety based. They are very real no one is saying you are imagining them but they are caused by overload of anxiety chemicals in your blood and muscle tension rather than organic cause.

The fact you are crying every day shows you are struggling with anxiety and or depression.

You have had loads of tests that would have shown up something if there was anything sinister going on. The blood tests are a wonderful MOT and the fact your inflammation marker tests are normal rules out a huge number of conditions.

I know its obvious to say this but the more you cry and worry the worse any anxiety symptoms will be as its self perpetuating as you body is releasing all those horrible chemicals that can cause the symptoms you are describing. would your Dr give you a short course of say diazepam or one of the anti depresents thats good fo anxiety????

We all understand your terror on here as we are all the same - we all panic the same we all think the same and while we can hopefully help others we are useless at helping ourselves!


paula lynne
19-12-10, 00:03
Hi Sandy, a belated welcome to the forum x:welcome:

19-12-10, 08:02
Hello and thanks for the warm welcome,would something sinister defo show in my blood? i dont believe it when im told it would..ive had CBC..liver kidney blood test and the inflammation blood marker is it CRP? cant remember the name but all done AUG and Nov and were all fine..im on Diazepam but it doesnt do much for me..my hands shake most of the time and i do cry alot and im on edge and cant relax..i wake up worried and go to bed worried cant eat much as i feel sick and today my upper back hurts and scared its lung cancer...im i dying? i live everyday thinking i am and leaving my 2 young children..its too much to bare.Christmas on saturday and i NEED to be happy for my kids but i cant..my upper arms are heavy and feel hot,my knees are sore too..i also feel something is "crawling" up my upper back is that cancer or im a crazy?

19-12-10, 16:39
you are under a lot of stress. you a single parent? I am, and the weight of running the house and doing everything is hitting me hard

19-12-10, 17:49
:weep:Hi no im not a single parent,today i think i have lung cancer or back cancer..my right shoulder and beneath is sore and under my right rib..im terrified today,as ive said before i have gastritis and i think ibs as my colonoscopy showed nothing except that my bowel contracts quickly..i cannot cope will the fear of leaving my kids...