View Full Version : Keep posting on nomorepanic!!!

18-12-10, 16:49
I know that isn't really a problem!!!

This must be like the fifth post I've made today. I seem to be having a day of being anxious about EVERYTHING! I'm using doc Google too much, I get really really thirsty before my period and just Googled that. It said it was a sign of pregnancy. Now I'm worried I'll have to have an abortion. Despite the fact I get this EVERY period.

I'm anxious that I won't have enough money next month because I'm now partly self-employed and I feel like it's not going to work out.

I'm anxious that I feel a bit weird about my ex today. I split up with him 2 and half years ago and I'm now in a very happy relationship with another guy who I now live with. The breakup was really bad and it made me go properly mental for a couple of years! Even once I was with my lovely bf I couldn't get rid of the Facebook photos of me and my ex until last night. See....there's really nothing wrong here....I don't have any feelings for my ex, I never have to see him again.....I just feel....weird! I can't describe it!

I'm also anxious about my health, I'm anxious about just sitting here not doing anything, I'm anxious about my future (what if everything doesn't work out?), I'm anxious because I get jealous with my boyfriend for no reason and I never used to be like that before, I'm anxious that my friends are going to reject me and I'll never see them again, I'm anxious that I'm still in my pyjamas and I haven't cleaned my teeth yet...on and on and on and on...

WAAAAAAA! Please help me relax I feel like I'm going completely crazy!!!

18-12-10, 17:10
you sound like me i get this every time my PMT is due jst go have a nice relaxing bath and chill............

i have been worrying all day i have a horrible feeling in my chest i no its most prob indigestin os something but i cant stop worrying and now i have that lump feeling in my throat :(

18-12-10, 17:15
Hi harasgenster,

We’re gonna have to give you your own forum at this rate :winks:

“Even once I was with my lovely bf I couldn't get rid of the Facebook photos of me and my ex until last night. See....there's really nothing wrong here....I don't have any feelings for my ex, I never have to see him again.....I just feel....weird!”

Perhaps it’s not so much about him as it is about you. He was no doubt an important part of your life at the time, and deleting those photos might represent deleting that whole part of ‘your’ life. Perhaps that’s why it felt weird.

“I'm anxious about my future (what if everything doesn't work out?)”

What if it does? :winks:
All that worrying for nothing... :doh:

Another way to look at it is; what can you ‘realistically’ do about it at the moment? If it doesn’t work out, there’s no way of knowing how it won’t work out so there’s no way to plan for it.

So what about putting that thought to one side for now and doing something that you do have the power to control? Work on these new projects with the focus on making them work out. It’s amazing how the mind often provides what we focus on, so don’t focus on the things you don’t want.

Take care :)

18-12-10, 17:28
i have been worrying all day i have a horrible feeling in my chest i no its most prob indigestin os something but i cant stop worrying and now i have that lump feeling in my throat :(

Bah! I hate that as well. I once phoned NHS direct because it got so bad I thought my throat was going to close up!

They gave me a good tip. Drink some water. If you can swallow fluid your throat is completely fine and it's just a sensation.

Works a treat for me every time. Really puts me my worries to bed! :)

Thanks both for your replies. I know there's really no use in my worrying about everything. And I was in such a good mood last night!!!

Right now I'm completely terrified I'm pregnant. The only symptom of PMT I've got is being worried and emotional and thirsty (I usually get many more symptoms) and I was supposed to come on today. I freak out every time it's my time of the month. I used to have a coil because I'm completely irresponsible with contraception (I just stop thinking once I'm in bed and make all these justifications...I just become a complete idiot) so I thought it would keep me safe but I've had to have it removed because it started to damage me :(

Going to go and get myself on the pill on Monday so that I can stop putting myself at risk! I'm going to try and focus on that. They have to do a pregnancy test before they give you the pill anyway so then I'll know. And if it is positive then I can worry about it then. There is NOTHING I can do about it today so I might as well not think about it.

Breathe! Breathe!

Thank for your support and sorry for my anxious ranting! I think I'll have that bath you suggested!