View Full Version : More heart concern :(

18-12-10, 17:33
i felt quite relaxed last night and was not worrying about my heart so watched some tv and had some weetabix to eat (thought this would be good for me). After about half an hour i had very bad reflux and felt as if someone was sitting on my chest and strangling me, i then noticed these weird loose and hollow feelings in my chest followed by fluttering and skipping sensations. I started panicking again and couldnt relax. I was up until 6am trying to calm down and was sat on my windowsil, head out the window for 2 hours trying to breathe in the fresh air. I still feel terrible, I've had a bath and a shower today, tried to read, helped put up christmas decorations to take my mind off it, but then i experince these awful sensations and am back to being extremely frightened. I have to go to bed and have a rest with the light out, because my vision is still very blurred. I can't live like this, I have no diazepam left and am freaking out because i REALLY need some.

I was going to go out earlier to boots to find some kalms or something to help take the edge off, but i can't go out, i hate myself, i look a mess and my skin has become all blotchy and spotty... i tried putting on some make up but i still looked really ill and couldnt face the big wide world. i'm meant to be going out tonight to meet friends and we're supposed to be dressing up and having some drinks.... i dont know what to do, i want to go, but i dont want to drink and dont know what to say!!!! my boyfriend will be there, and he is aware of my anxiety issues, but he doesnt understand and thinks im a big drama queen and attention seeker who always looks for problems so then i'll get some sympathy. I'm worried I might lose him if i dont get better soon because it is putting a massive strain on our relationship.... I'm really trying, I just want to get better and my life back on track.

18-12-10, 18:28
Candice, I don't have an answer for you but I can tell you that we are here for you. Try to get a hold of a doctor to renew your meds. For me, getting out of the house usually helps once I can bring myself to it. Your boyfriend is probably a good guy and just explain to him you are having a rough time and don't want to make a big deal about it. My wife never really gets it but she tries to understand. Anyway, know that we get it and will never judge. Take care.

Captain Caveman
18-12-10, 22:36
Hi Candice. I used to worry about my heart all the time. I know it is scary, but if you allow you sensations and fears to do what they like, your body will settle down quicker. You won't master letting go overnight. But bit by bit if you face your fears, you will overcome them. This article - which I used to get over panic attacks -explains it better http://www.panicend.com/

18-12-10, 22:38
Candice remember how your stomach can trigger ectopic heartbeats because the vagus nerve runs across top of stomach so any irritation here from acid/reflux/ just a full stomach can give you ectopic heartbeats or a racing heart. The fact your got the ectopics after you got heartburn speaks for itself. Read my private message again and again - I tried hard to explain why we get ectopics and how they are horrible but harmless. Hopefully reading it again will take some of the panic away as when we panic we just spiral down and down and can only focus on the panic.

I have haitus hernia and take tablets for acid reflux all the time - I find I cannot eat wholemeal things like weetabix or oats and also tomatoes and cake would you believe gives me acid reflux even with the meds.

Have you thought about asking your Dr for that 24hr ecg so that they can capture your ectopics and show you how harmless they are???

Remember that worrying about them is 100% sure way of keeping them going.

HOpe you did go out and put a brave face on it and tried your best to ignore your symptoms- always remember horrible but harmless:D

22-12-10, 19:40
Hi, thanks for your replies :)

I ended up going to my boyfriends for the weekend and only got back home today.

Felt much better these last few days and managed to go out christmas shopping and to the pub to watch some live music, which helped take my mind off things. I noticed a couple of ectopics, but only when nervous and they seemed to dissapear as i relaxed more.

I'm feeling a bit worse again now though because I'm back at home and on my own again. My parents are both here, but they go out a lot, which I don't like.. but I'm not a child so shouldn't feel the need to be with people 24/7. When I'm alone the thoughts begin to creep back into my mind and they become increasingly worse to the point that I can't concentrate on anything but my body.

Been taking citalopram for a few days now, i was okay when away, didn't have any panic attacks and only experienced 3 short periods of anxiety in 4 days, which is very good for me!!

Seeing my dr tomorrow to see how the citalopram is going, I'm not sure about asking about a 24 hour ecg, i'd be too anxious to ask, and I've felt better these last few days, so have bee much more positive and normal!! However, not sure how long this will last!