View Full Version : Does this happen to anyone eles??

18-12-10, 17:43
Hi, its been a while since I have posted but this ugly anxiety has been coming back, I have been dealing with alot muscle tension in my neck, shoulders and back, which is my biggest symptom!! But when I go into a store I feel as if I am off balanced for some reason, and of course my anxiety goes up, just wondering if anyone eles has ever had this happen to them. Thanks look forward to hearing your response.

18-12-10, 17:56
yes i have been like the last few days its scarey isnt it i dont know why it happens though? it will get better i hope ? take care

18-12-10, 17:57
I have this problem all the time and have done for years. If i could relax and get rid of this muscle pain and tension then i dont think i would have this off balanced feeling.
I have been told by my therapist to try and consentrate on my surroundings rather than how i feel when im out and it does help a bit.

18-12-10, 18:03
A hot water bottle to the neck area every night will help relax you.

But its nothing to worry about. If this is all you get your a very lucky person!

18-12-10, 18:22
i get that daily,im stressed out beyond belief..neck and shoulder pain..can this really be stressed related?

18-12-10, 22:41
Yep have had that often for about 15 yrs. Funnily enough both myself and my husband get it and he does not in any way have h a . We both have neck problems and tense neck muscles affect your balance but what can be funny is that when we both set off walking we can both wander off one way all the time so we either end up bumping into each other or disappearing off sideways away from each other which if we are holding hands can be funny. sometimes one of us will just have to stop and stand still and sort of readjust their balance and then set off again.

tight neck muscles!

18-12-10, 22:51
have you ever read the divided mind by john sarno? or healing back pain by sarno? i think those books could change your life. try it

18-12-10, 23:22
Happen to me today..been happening a lot lately..and don't know why.Guess anxiety

19-12-10, 10:36
have you ever read the divided mind by john sarno? or healing back pain by sarno? i think those books could change your life. try it

I might have a read of this book, thanks for recommending it. I often think my pain is due to repressed feelings.

19-12-10, 13:15
Thank you all so much for you repones's! It is truely heplful to no I am not alone, and If think back because I have had so many different symptoms over the many years of dealing with anxiety, I can remember that this happend before when I was very anxious. I always have had the neck and back tension, I wish I could find a way to deal with that, I think I have conditioned myself to tense my muscles and I dont even realize I am doing it, so they are always tence and dont have a chane to relax. I also get alot of head pressuer which i think has to do with all of the tence mucles in my neck and head, Its such as vicious circle!! Just when you think you got it beat something new pop's up!
I think with all the pressuer of the holidays that is put on all of us, makes it much worse.
Thanks again for all your help and hope you all have a wonderdful day :)


19-12-10, 21:25
I also suffer from neck tension and this last season caused myself to have a tension headache that went on and on for about 6 weeks. Even with pain killers and a physical therapist working on my neck, it was quite a long recovery! I really don't know how to change my habits to take the tension off my neck. I exercise and try to take care of myself, but all my thoughts and worries get lodged in my neck I guess. Very furstrating.