View Full Version : Peeing problem :/ ?

18-12-10, 21:58
Sorry :lac:Its so awkward to talk about this and embarrasing! :blush:
but I'm just a little worried as usual..I was In a LONG car journey about 2 hours or something and when I got to a public toilet I had to push and there was loads than normal with holding it in for so long though even after i still felt like i needed to go again an like it didn't finish...so later on i went to the toilet again and it didn't seem to bad afterwards but then after that when i went again it felt like i needed to go but there wasn't much at all.. an now i keep getting this feeling like i need to go when theres hardly any pee :wacko: and its ever since holding it in, should it be okay? and if anything is wrong how long should it last? (i just hope its gone for christmas)
an sorry! :unsure:

18-12-10, 22:19
It could just be that you've got it into your head that you 'need to go'. Recently I went through about 5 months of being convinced I needed to pee everytime I was falling asleep. I would get up from bed to pee at least 3 times before allowing myself to sleep. Oddly, though, since I've had an incredibly busy 4 weeks with work, it's stopped, and I think it might be because I've not thought about it.

18-12-10, 22:40
If I don't go to the loo when I need to then it can trigger cystitis so you could have that possibly.

19-12-10, 15:31
Unless it is cystitis, it sounds psychological to me.

If you've just been to the loo and then feel you need it again, just tell yourself 'no, I've just been for a wee, I don't need to go again', and try to resist the urge.

I had this anxiety on a large scale for months, but hopefully you can break out of now that you've caught it early :)

Good luck.

20-12-10, 12:42
I agree with Nicola, I think it is cystitis, but just to make sure I suggest you do a water sample and get it tested, if you do have an infection then antibiotics will cure it. Your doctor will be able to test the water.

20-12-10, 13:05
I agree with the Cystitis theory.

It can be brought on by holding urine in the bladder or not emptying the bladder fully when you wee. Your symptoms do sound very typical...the feeling you need to go but can't.

It can be solved with antibiotics as said already so don't worry too much.xxxxx

20-12-10, 13:14
Sounds like cystitus. To begin with try drinking a lot of clear fluids, like water or squash. Barley squash is good for bladder health. You can also try drinking cranberry juice as there is a chemical in it that stops bacteria sticking to the bladder lining. Basically you need to flush out the bacteria by drinking and peeing more.
Most cases of cystitus can be cleared up without antibiotics.