View Full Version : Keyboard therapy...

18-12-10, 22:18
Please bear with me for this, my first post...there's a lot to cram in, but I'll try and keep it as succinct as possible! I work in a stressful job with long shifts; with this job comes a lot of responsibility and at times I feel that my nerves are becoming really frayed. My manager is forever trying to organise me and this stresses me out even more. If she left me alone to get on with my work, half the stress, I feel, would disappear. Because she is constantly on my tail I get flustered, this happened yesterday. I am worried sick because I think I made an error at work yesterday...I was drifting off to sleep last night when suddenly I woke with a jolt because I had forgotten to do something. Then I just felt very anxious. There is a chance that a colleague did it for me but I won't see her until Monday...until then I have an anxious wait. Sorry to be vague and apologies for the preamble, however, this is just the latest in the never-ending, inexhaustible list of worries that I seem to accumulate!

Now for the bigger picture: my husband hasn't worked for a year since his breakdown. His sister was brutally murdered and and he identified her body. He had to endure the murder trial and during this time his brother died very suddenly. We are managing to get by, although my husband isn't entitled to benefits because he only worked limited hours prior to his illness.

I suppose I'm trying to say that I'm starting to feel overwhelmed by having to be 'in charge'. I do feel tired, under strain and actually quite lonely at times but try very hard to keep a lid on it. I have suffered with anxiety and depression in the past and recovered very well with the help of meds, I'm just concerned that I'm heading down the slippery slope again. I gets glimpses of how I used to feel and it's not very nice.

Thanks for reading.

18-12-10, 22:36
I gets glimpses of how I used to feel and it's not very nice.

I'd pay attention to those little promptings!

I know exactly what you mean about workplace stress, I've had the same waking with a jolt experiences. I saw the same glimpses of past stress and I still pushed on.

I blew up quite spectacularly and am now of work trying to put myself back together. Look after you! :hugs:


paula lynne
19-12-10, 00:06
Hi and a big warm welcome to the forum, its great to know you x I hope your situation improves soon, please dont give up. Youll find lots of support and help here, and make some good friends along the way x:welcome:

19-12-10, 00:39
:welcome: You sound like you are under a lot of strain but it's good that you can spot warning signs that things are getting too much as you can act on them. Do you have friends you can let off steam to? You can certainly do it here but it would be good if you can do it in person as well. Hope things get better xx