View Full Version : Laying Around?

18-12-10, 23:30
I have laid around a lot everyday..Most days I lay on the couch or the bed and work on the computer.. other than taking a shower or doing little things and going back to lay down.

I was wondering if you do this for a few days would it make you weak and unsure of your walking and such when you do get out and walk around? Is that normal?

18-12-10, 23:31
Does anybody else feel like this at all? Just curious because it seems I read a lot of people on here seem to feel unsteady when going places.. I know its partly anxiety but could it be from laying around too?

19-12-10, 00:13
yea totally! I find after a few days of lying around, I get lazy, feel extra tired, more weak, less alert, kind of feels like i just got out of bed and haven't fully woken up yet.

the more active you are the more energetic you feel so I guess it works both ways.

19-12-10, 00:15
Yes I think once I got out and got moving I jump started myself and felt a little better but omg..When I got up from laying around I felt like I was leaning to one direction and just kind of weird..Hope that is all that it is..But like I said it seems a lot of people post on here about being weak and Im thinking that is the issue with them as well.. I guess..

19-12-10, 21:44
you might feel a bit achy, i find if i don't do much and then go for a short walk , after wards it feels like i walked a few miles lol.
yeah when you've not been moving around much you can feel a bit shaky on your feet.
if you have stairs you should try a using them to gain a bit of strength back in your legs n get the blood flowing.