View Full Version : Tongue problems

18-12-10, 23:43
Hey all. Well, I was going alright there for a few days with my HA, now I have a new, very real problem. My tongue I think has got oral thrush again as its white and creamy looking and hurting like crazy. But I also have these weird raised red bumps on the centre of my tongue as well thats causing most of the pain. They look like my taste buds, but raised and sore. They bleed a bit when I brush my tongue and are extremely sore. It came on so quickly as it wasnt like this on Friday and then it suddenly happened on Friday night. I also have a sickly, acidity feeling in my throat with this and a sore throat and mouth and I dont know if its all contributed to my oral thrush or not. I'm really worried, especially near Christmas and my doctor is on a break, any ideas anyone? :shrug:

19-12-10, 00:13
How vigorously are you brushing your tongue? If you're overdoing it, then that might be responsible for the bleeding and soreness.

19-12-10, 00:18
a white coating and red bumps is pretty normal, in what way is it hurting?
had you been sucking on any hard candy or eating sweets as that can irritate your tongue.

19-12-10, 00:27
Its stingling and feels like sandpaper when I eat. And yeah, I ate three lollies the afternoon it started and I rarely eat lollies. So maybe it is my oral thrush again. Its a possibility.

19-12-10, 00:39
I dunno if it is thrush, but I have gotten the same thing at the back of my tongue, lasted a few days, had the raised spots too, I'm you could get some thing in the pharmacy for it.
I found cutting out fizzy drinks n anything acidic to help.