View Full Version : How do you know if you are losing your mind?

18-12-10, 23:57
About two months ago my wife and I were out riding bikes.. I was perfectly fine and no issues about anxiety or anything.

Then I hurt my pudendal nerve and also my coccyx .I started having muscle spasms in my back that hurt through my groin in my private area and also rectum..

I had already stopped taking a really low dose of librium because frankly I didn't think it made a difference and i didn't want to go to the doctor to get refills..It was only 10mg a day for years and years..

Well I made the mistake of reading the withdrawal symptoms but still I tried not to dwell on them.Some days were fine others I would get a little anxious and then I called my old doctor and explained we had moved away and she called in one last refill before I have to see another doctor.

I had been off of them for about a month.. and have had all kinds of weird feelings and thoughts.. From anxious to weird totally weird.

Im not sure reading the withdrawals had anything to do with it or not.I even contacted another doctor and asked about geting off of them and he said the way I had done it was correct and that I shoudn't have any issues other than maybe a little anxiety and sleeplessness.

I did what he said the way he said and well..I started getting really anxious..don't know if it was lack of med or self induced..

I started taking it again and now im starting to feel even anxious now and having weird thoughts sweep over me during the hours of the day and evenings most days.I even went out today hoping to know I was ok but was a little anxious driving around.

I thought if I was taking it again I should start feeling better and in some ways I have and others no..I am worried maybe the lack of the drug and then starting to use it again is making me have weird thoughts and feel anxious.

I don't know what to think. I know I should contact a therapist or something but wanted to see if I could be ok on my own..I am trying really hard but don't know if im just losing it or maybe its just the anxiety of knowing that I could now have side effects from starting to take it again after a month.. might be affecting me.

Did I mess my mind up getting off of it and now taking it again or is this just anxiety about the whole thing.. causing me to feel this way?

paula lynne
19-12-10, 00:17
Hi, I honestly think its a bit of both....coming off it will make your brain chemicals scream "hey! wheres the stuff"...even if it didnt make you feel ill straight away. In the meantime, your anxiety levels have risen as you worry about taking it again. Now, your brain chemicals are saying "Hey, heres the stuff again.." gotta get used to it again. Give it a little while longer and see how you feel x

19-12-10, 00:20
ok.. I guess I should have just called my doctor to see about a refil before I decided to get off of it..Geez its just 10mg's a day.They give children more than that. I didn't think it would make that big of a difference but then again I think its more a placebo affect knowing im taking it makes me mentally more calm or has..Maybe its there and my body is used to it but then again im thinking its helping therefore it is.. and maybe the feelings im having are just my imagination too..Who knows.. I just want to be normal again .. but then doesn't everybody.Thanks for replying

Captain Caveman
19-12-10, 00:37
Hi. People react differently to coming off benzos. Some are ok, others go through hell. I'm not a doc, but I have read the below book.

In the book "Don't Panic You Can Overcome Anxiety Without Drugs" , Dr Sallee McLaren discusses coming off benzos.

" Where withdrawl is not sufficietly slow, death can occur from continual seizures. These seizures occur as a result of brain agitation or the 'rebound effect' that follow from having had a highly chemically sedated brain and then removing the chemical restraint. As with any sedating substance, withdrawl from prescribed substances should always occur, ironically, under medical supervision. Withdrawl can sometimes take up to a year (or more) to complete the process. Physical dependancy on medication can severely hinder recovery. Addiction can just create another, serious, and continuing problem on top of the other one."

What sort of therapuetic responses have you been taught to you tackle your anxiety with?

19-12-10, 00:54
Yeah I read the articles unfortunately, Funny thing is I don't think I would have had any anxiety or withdrawals from such a low dose because over the years ..Im talking 20 or so of taking this drug..I have taken it for five years and just quit and never had a problem not one..because I didn't read the withdrawals..Then one time I was feeling rather anxious went to the doctors and requested they give it to me again. I started taking it again and never should have ever did that.Mistake.

But I feel confident speaking with three doctors about withdrawals that there are NO seizures involved or things that you would get if you were taking say 50 to 300 mg for years.,I even did research on a site where people had been on the drug at way higher dose for 12 years and after 8 days no more symptoms at all. From what I read its a wonderful drug that produces little or no symptoms..

Now I can do the same if I want to check out the side effects with my beta blockers or even Ibuprofen..geez its enough to where you would never want to take anything.

I Guess if you sit around and think about it.. which i had plenty of time in recovery from my injury ..and you read what can happen then it will happen..The mind is a powerful thing.. Really since you took the time to look up the withdrawals of benzos. take time to look up the side effects of Ziac or ibuprofen. It will scare you to death.

I guess some people have side effects and withdrawals and they have to list things like that there but have you ever listen to commercials for lipitor and other drugs you wouldn't think much about..at the end they say ,..side effects include shortness of breath ,blurred vision,racing heartbeat,nausea ,vomiting ,direaha , blindness,itching,liver damage,high blood pressure etc etc etc.. because they know these things can happen ...not likely too but can and have..So guess its half dozen of this or half dozen of that.

I recall one time my doctor told me.. lets get some blood work to see if the meds are killing you..I said WHAT? He said well its take them and die slowly or don't take them and die quickly..Very humerous lol ha ha. i didn't find it funny but he was serious .. Anyway thanks for the refresh on benzos but librium is a little different from your typical benzo..they give you librium to get off of other benzos.. Micheal

30-12-10, 13:00
Someone once said to me "people who are losing their mind are not aware that they are" therefore, it seems that you are in fact not losing your mind, just having a rough time

Hope this helps, take care

16-01-11, 10:05
Someone once said to me "people who are losing their mind are not aware that they are" therefore, it seems that you are in fact not losing your mind, just having a rough time

Hope this helps, take care

exactly what I was going to say. If you are aware that you are slipping, you are in fact not slipping. It's those people that have clearly slipped and are unaware that have in fact lost their minds...

Try yoga.