View Full Version : Panic and the cold

19-12-10, 01:45
Does anybody here suffer a clogged up nose with this cold weather? the more I blow it the more it clogs up and feels shallow..tried Vick's vapor rub and it's barely helped tonight..plus this cold weather makes me panic as it feels too cold to breathe properly..

I feel like I'm dying..maybe as I've sat hours worrying... :weep:

19-12-10, 02:01
Every day I feel this way.>Getting out in the cold coming in with the heat and I can't breathe..I thought I had it bad in colorado with 25 percent less oxygen but at least there was no things to stop my nose up there. Its the cleanest air in the US but then again there isn't much of it. But I could breathe there.Here ...the moisture is killing us..Its like breathing water all the time and the dust and allergins . .is miserable..You aren't alone in your suffering..

Also. For the life of me.I don't think I can express to people just what is happening to us here in the south of the US..We are used to 15 percent humidity..I guess something has happened to our bodies becausee what could affect two people at once with the same thing.

When we get out in cold air or don't turn on the heat in the house..Our bodies start feeling like its covered in sweat.>and it very well might be. I posted about this and im starting to think my wife and I are living in the twilight zone..We are both originally from tropical places but neither of us has experienced what we are now. We feel like we are covered from head to toe in sweat when the cold air hits us.. or maybe its moisture just escaping or condensation i don't know..

I have searched high and low and consulted several online doctors and they have no clue and I have never felt this way in my life.If we turn the heat on just makes it worse.. This is enough to make you think you are crazy.. So just thought I would fill you in on our suffering as well . I Know it doesn't make you feel better but at least you aren't alone..Its miserable .Michael

19-12-10, 02:33
yeah everyone pretty much has a blocked noise and sinus pain this time of year.:weep:

19-12-10, 02:45
Yep..I'm just really bad with health anxiety again...fed up not feeling right but don't wanna go to the doctor and get every test done.

Every day I have a new symptom from ears, to eyes to heart to the mind..or a pain somewhere. I've not felt relaxed in months. Then I feel worse when everybody suggests Gp's and its this and that..

I guess it's crap feeling this way..but if it's just anxiety I have to not let it trouble me?

I see my counsellor next week I hope she can help..:blush:

19-12-10, 16:40
Both me and husband have had badly blocked sinuses in this cold weather. Having the heating on makes it 10 times worse, but we have to of course. Fr me its the central heating that causes it.

I am going to purchase a de-humidifier. I have a friend and she says it really stops all this stuffy nose feeling

19-12-10, 16:57
humidifiers will help
they sell them at pharmacies for use in rooms
it is pretty much the same for all
but US forced air heat is the worst

31-12-10, 09:50
Does anybody a cold get a congested feeling? when i shallow and breath it feels like gung trapped swallowing my breathing? worry i can't breathe properly and like from my mouth feels like yucky and blowing my nose doesn't really clear it? is it normal? :blush:

08-01-11, 00:02
Not sure if this is also the cold but my nose tonight suddenly felt closing up..similar sensation to like when my heart beats quick like adrenaline wise but for an hour I've had these nose sensations. Hard to describe but it feels like my ears go pop and my nose feels not blocked but congested feels like my nostrils are pulsing almost...

so I'm sitting and have this feeling like I'm squeezing each end of my nose in..and getting panicky..anybody had this? :huh:

19-02-11, 03:22
I can't sleep due to this cools returning a few days back.. Feel I'm dying abs my mind us racing and blank. Feels worse than any usual cold Duno why my nose is constantly blocked and gunked up just can't relax feel nackered as I got no sleep. :weep: