View Full Version : Indigestion ?

19-12-10, 09:44
I am suffering with this at the moment i am 5o had a lot of issuess this year with the loss of my mum and my health has been awful,pain in the chest all the time,i feel i am watching what i eat incase it starts it off.

But what i really wanted to know is if i go to my GP will he send me for an endsocpy ? as i don't think i could cope with that.

19-12-10, 10:28
Hi Haz... I had similar problems about 9 months ago with various other symptoms. My GP diagnosed anxiety and reactive depression from years of stressful issues previously. I didnt have an endoscopy. It did however cause me to watch what I was eating and this escalated until I was eating less than 1000 cals a day and subsequently lost heaps of weight. I am eating a little better now and maintaining the weight..