View Full Version : Withdrawal / discontinuation is bad!

19-12-10, 14:31
Hi all,

Day 10 of discontinuation and still feeling really horrid. Dizziness has subsided a little, as has the sudden head whooshes....the whooshes are slower and less intense but still not nice. ALso seem to be having breathing problems and severe tight/tense headaches as if someone is throttling me and all the blood is stuck in my head. Feel fine from the neck downwards!

Would LOVE to talk to anyone else who is also going through this right now as it sucks doing this on yer own! :-(

Please talk to me.......

19-12-10, 14:34
Hi abic77

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

21-12-10, 10:21
Thanks Nicola & actually I have found this site extremely useful already! There are a lot of people out there feeling the same way as I am feeling! Day 12 now and still no improvement. I forgot to mention last time that I got prescribed some steroids for an ear problem I had last weekend which have warnings on the labels that they can cause depression! So....not sure if my withdrawal is lasting longer than normal due to me having been on steroids for 7 out of the 12 days i have been off citalopram.

PLEASE can anyone who is also going through this withdrawal talk to me....although the comments are very useful it would be nice to talk to someone who is experiencing these problems right now!

21-12-10, 22:26
I sympathise with you abic. I've been through it a couple of times - lasted a week each time and was awful. Am going through it a bit now, from Amitriptyline. I hope it won't be too bad as Amitriptyline is a different sort of drug, but still.......

No more drugs for me after this. I feel worse on them than without.

Steroids can do funny things, a little while after you come off them. You can get really down, physically as well as mentally. It doesn't last though, abic. You will be OK.
You are not going to take the steroids any more, right? I don't think being on them for seven days will do much harm, a couple of months would be different. They have to be tailed off too. Some doctors seem to prescribe steroids rather liberally. I know they are the best anti-inflammatory. I hope they helped your ear problem. Anything to do with the middle ear will cause odd, disorientating symptoms which will make you feel dizzy and sick so I really do hope whatever it was is cleared up.

Take care. I'd be happy to chat with you, I am a newbie and have yet to find my way to the chat room, never mind working out how to use it :-).

22-12-10, 10:13
Hi LyndaB,

Thank you so much for your reply - it's nice to talk to someone else rather than reading 2 year old posts....I often wonder how those people are getting on now though!

Yeah the steroids were only for a week and my ear is much better thanks! off to ENT again on 4th Jan but hopefully no further treatment required!

I am on day 13 now and i have woken up this morning feeling like a different person! I think there's still something bubbling away in the background but i do feel much better today! I am under no illusions, however that tomorrow could be a bad day too so will just keep my fingers crossed and know that if it is bad tomorrow that it's ok and not to be frightened of it!

I am also a newbie on here and took me about 5 days just to figure out how to start a new post or thread or whatever this is!

Lynda - I hope so much that one day very soon you will wake up and feel better but just remember that as everyone says this feeling won't last forever! I wish you all the very best and appreciate so much you taking the time to write to me :-)

22-12-10, 10:17
PS - I'm not sure what the root cause of any depression/anxiety ever is BUT I have found an amazing book which is a great read and helps you to understand why our minds do the things they do...it's called Manage your Mind by Gillian Butler....I would defo recommend it for a self-help and a means to understanding ourselves a little better!

29-12-10, 17:22
Quick update - I'm on day 19 today and am feeling a lot better now. I am no where near where i'd like to be but i'd say i'm around 80% now. Major dizzy spells and head whooshes have gone (let's put it this way, a week go I could not have even considered driving but have driven 100 miles today with no issue). I think i am getting very impatient now and need to remember (as my husband keeps reminding me) that i'm going through a process and it's going to take time! just want it to be over already!