View Full Version : fibro or just anxiety?

22-03-06, 15:50
I am so nervous... I have been trying so hard to not google symptoms, but I checked out Apriltones webpage link, and I am so sure I have fibromalagia!!!!!!!!!!!! I seriously have all the symptoms! Does anyone else have these symptoms with just plain anxiety? I like to think what I have is just anxiety, and one day it will pass, like all of my other symptoms do... but it terrifies me to think that I may have an actual disease. I am just REALLY achy. my fingers are killing me, everything hurts... I also have a ton of ectopic beats... and my memory is terrible these days. Can this just be plain anxiety? i am so scared!! what do you all think?

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"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance... When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance"

"This too shall pass..."

22-03-06, 16:06
im like u mate i wish too that its just anxiety but my doc tells me 100% it is, so who more can i believe then him....MYSELF! did u have blood tests done? i did and im fine according to them so if u have tests done it would show if u had it how long u felt like u have x

22-03-06, 19:30

I also have been diagnosed with fibro. To actually have been diagnosed you need to see your doctor and have trigger points analyzed. I'm also from the USA so you can see a pain specialist or a rheumatologist. A pain specialist diagnosed me. In my opinion anxiety and fibro symptoms overlap so it is hard to diagnose. To ease your mind please see your dr because only they can actually make a decision if it is really fibro. Hope I helped.


22-03-06, 20:21
I have all the symptoms of fibro, my GP was sure I had it too but recently my rheumatologist has confirmed I don't have it and that my symptoms have been brought on by chronic hyperventilation, anxiety and stress.

22-03-06, 22:08
babe do you suffer from tireness aswell...have you gto any othlr symtom then that ...... do your joint ache? adn your mucsle?

were is the pain?

always loved never fotgotten..

22-03-06, 23:46
Dont assume before you know all the details please. You have joined the forum so please take time to read all the posts that you think are relevant to how you feel and the personal stories.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

april tones
24-03-06, 21:36
hi! i hope reading my site hasnt worried you!
im a worrier and i dont worry of fibro! i did at first as thought i had something else! i wont say as it will start you off x

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

24-03-06, 22:59
How is it going hun?

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

26-03-06, 17:33
fibro i might have because i have ibs and they say they go hand in hand i have buring pain and numbness in my shoulders and lower neck..But my gi doc says its all in my head

26-03-06, 20:20
IBS and fibro are not twins and one does not lead to another.

However Fibro is hard to diagnose and some Gps are not helpful so yoiu need to do a lot of research yourself

April - will you post the national society website here please. Thanks


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