View Full Version : It's nearly Christmas,I should be happy..

19-12-10, 14:35
My boyfriend is home in January after a year and it's Christmas but I feel just lost. Run down and depressed to be frank. My HA is through the roof again,my eating problems are worse and I dunno what to do. I was at my psychologist Thursday there and he just sounded fed up with me and like asking if seeing him was beneficial and what did I see happening for the future,he just sounded like he couldn't be bothered anymore.

I don't know where to turn. I'm 24,I don't work,can't go to college because I take panic attacks and Iam just terrified of being left on my own and not being able to take care of myself.

I sound like a child. :weep: I'm just rambling. I just feel like I'm floating around and everyone else is managing and getting on with things. I don't feel anyone actually really cares about me..like REALLY cares.

19-12-10, 15:59
It a hard time of year when you're feeling down and rough and you're supposed to be full of the joys of Xmas!!..... enough to pixx anyone off!! I think the truth is that a lot of people struggle this time of year and put on a brave face to the world. Must be really rough up there in Scotland as well. How about some sort of voluntary work..... perhaps with old people or something. On the plus side, xmas will be gone in a week!!


19-12-10, 18:02
Hi Wee-mee

I know its easier said than done but try not to worry about it too much. Like Geoff said you are far from alone feeling like this, there are many people putting on a brave and happy face even though they dont feel it inside.

You dont sound like a child, just like someone who is struggling at the moment like a lot of us. Its the anxiety and depression making you feel like this, but it will get better x

19-12-10, 19:19
Hi Wee-Mee, don't beat yourself up, as Geoff and Hazie say, there's lots of us struggling just now. personally I haven't been "managing" at all for the last week, but I am confident things are going to get better. I know it's no excuse but maybe your psychologist is struggling too. I can understand how they might get frustrated when their efforts don't seem to be helping people. I think I've been in that situation as a patient. See how things go next time and I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

20-12-10, 09:37
My boyfriend is home in January after a year and it's Christmas but I feel just lost. Run down and depressed to be frank. My HA is through the roof again,my eating problems are worse and I dunno what to do. I was at my psychologist Thursday there and he just sounded fed up with me and like asking if seeing him was beneficial and what did I see happening for the future,he just sounded like he couldn't be bothered anymore.

I don't know where to turn. I'm 24,I don't work,can't go to college because I take panic attacks and Iam just terrified of being left on my own and not being able to take care of myself.

I sound like a child. :weep: I'm just rambling. I just feel like I'm floating around and everyone else is managing and getting on with things. I don't feel anyone actually really cares about me..like REALLY cares.

Christmas is a difficult time if you are going through tough times, we all feel, well I do anyway, that we should be having a great time so that just ends up in us feeling let down and disappointed. Don't be so hard on yourself, its only a couple of days then its the new year and a fresh start. My counsellor said I must stop saying 'should' as its such a damaging word and makes us feel guilty. Says I must try and say 'could' instead of 'should'. For example, 'I should be going to the gym, but I'm not, which means I'm lazy etc'. And replace it with 'I could be going to the gym but I don't feel quite up to it today, I will go another time when I feel a bit stronger.' The second sentence isn't beating myself up, whereas the first sentence will just make me feel rubbish. Hope that makes sense.

20-12-10, 09:52
I feel just lost. Run down and depressed to be frank. My HA is through the roof again,my eating problems are worse and I dunno what to do.

Hi i have and in a way still am going through the same as you my HA went through the roof (its settled alot to what it was) i just totally STOPPED eating for a few months (only just starting to eat again now) and christmas stresses just dont help...
what is it about your eating problem u not eating ?? what made you stop ??
mine was my anxiety was so bad i just lost all appetite but since the few months i have not eaten and i mean i went a good month with no food at all then it was just a quarter piece of toast id cut one slice of toast into four and only ever eat one quarter :-/

you therarpy your getting done he is there to listen to you if your not happy with him then go change to another person maybe you will feel more comfortable with a lady ??

i dont mind who i see i am with a lady at the moment and i fine her very nice aslong as your comfortaable with them you will talk more x