View Full Version : hate the feelng of being trapped and stuck

19-12-10, 14:36
Stupid snow as much as its pretty to look it it causes chaos. Am so fed up as cant get on with things, not sure if i can get my car out yet.. need to get out am going crazy being stuck in need to get out and see people.. I hate being like this stupid thoughts, feelings in me head, trying to distract myself but just need to get out. Supossed to be going away tomorrow but stupid snow and roads not clear hard to get anywhere!!

I hate me hate feeling like this, feel so alone and scared right now!! oh well thats life i guess up and down..Jusr really fed up and i know its not just the snow its me being stupid and making a fuss!!

Have loads to do and not getting very far doing it either!! better be able to get out tomorrow if i cant today!!

19-12-10, 15:42
I feel exactly the same myself......... I'm sure there's things I can do round the house but the motivation has gone........ just feel sort of anxious and trapped. Normally, I'd go for an hours hard cycle ride down the main A5 from Dunstable and I'd come back feeling a lot better........ trouble is I'd end up coming back in an ambulance if I tried at the moment which wouldn't do anybody any good!! Think I might try going swimming instead in this bad weather.

19-12-10, 16:06
Hiya, you are not alone-I feel exactly the same.

I hate the snow and ice because I am worried that of I leave the house then I wont be able to get back to my safe place (my house) quickly enough.

I am actually in my safe place right now but the snow is still making me feel trapped as I want to be able to go out.

I can't win-I dont want to go out incase I cant get back but I want to go out because I feel trapped. Madness!!

I have given myself a good talking to though so hopefully I will feel better soon.

Don't hate yourslef though, that wont help at all. Just take it easy and keep distracting yourself and just take teh time being stuck inside to have a proper chill out and relax.

You definetly shouldn't feel alone. I hope you manage to feel better soon xx

19-12-10, 16:06
build a snow man be someone to talk to lol