View Full Version : urine infection

19-12-10, 15:58
hi i poste a topic here a cple days ago about having aurine infection and doc gave me antibiotics but the didnt work now she has given me other ones and i still dont think they have worked how long does it take for them to get into youe system ? help?

19-12-10, 16:18
Hi panic52,

You need to give meds a good 48 hours to start seeing a difference, but the symptoms may linger which is why it is important to take them very regularly and complete the course, even if the major symptoms seem better/cured.

Just out of interest, in what way do you feel they are not working? I was diagnosed with a UTI too on Friday, was given co-amoxiclav and I can feel them helping a little already now (not running to the loo as much as before and no pain).


Hazel B
19-12-10, 19:35
For me, they take up to 3 days to kick in.

19-12-10, 20:03
and remember that the antib's can cause thrush which sometimes feels very similar to your water infection. When I take antib's I always make sure I have thrush treatment too in the house. But I agree with others and they usually take between 2-4 days to start working.

19-12-10, 21:05
Hi panic52,

You need to give meds a good 48 hours to start seeing a difference, but the symptoms may linger which is why it is important to take them very regularly and complete the course, even if the major symptoms seem better/cured.

Just out of interest, in what way do you feel they are not working? I was diagnosed with a UTI too on Friday, was given co-amoxiclav and I can feel them helping a little already now (not running to the loo as much as before and no pain).

my back is still sore and im still running every hr i still feel like i need to go all the time i took one on friday as it was 7.45 i got my tabs as i had to go to 24hrs tesco as doc dropped prescription off before going home im scared i end up in hospital again like last time im due back at work tomorow and i getting all worked up about it ? i want to go back cant stand been in house all day ? i drink lots off cranberry juice aswell sorry for harping on ?and i have taken two yesterday and today please help?

19-12-10, 21:27
Hi hun...I'm a bit torn between advising you to stay off work if you are able to give you rest and the time you need to regularly take the meds and see if things improve, or to suggest that work may be a healthy distraction if you are up to it, as sometimes we get fixated on a problem and feel worse at home. I think maybe your previous horrible experience of being hospitalised is playing on your mind too. I will just reassure you that every hour going to the loo isn't too bad at all. I was going every 10 mins last week and it was horrendous. Have you also taken some pain relief for your back?

I am certain that the meds will kick in for you hun. Just rest as much as you can, take something for your back and do try not to focus too much on it if you can.

You'll get there.xxxx:bighug1:

19-12-10, 21:34
Yes, as someone else has already said, make sure you don't have thrush also/instead. That happened to me awhile ago. First had a UTI and then thrush/vaginitus because of having taken antibiotics for pneumonia. The secondary infections kept switching back and forth and I couldn't tell which was which anymore. Even took UTI medicine in the end when I didn't have one. I had to give everything time to balance itself out. And distraction was a good thing in the end, believe me. I now make sure to take 500 mg of vitamin C a day for this problem. But I know too much vit. C for some is not good, so I don't know if that should be recommended. I also know that too much cranberry isn't good either in the long run. I guess moderation is key. Good luck - I am sure you will feel better shortly. :)

19-12-10, 21:52
Hi hun...I'm a bit torn between advising you to stay off work if you are able to give you rest and the time you need to regularly take the meds and see if things improve, or to suggest that work may be a healthy distraction if you are up to it, as sometimes we get fixated on a problem and feel worse at home. I think maybe your previous horrible experience of being hospitalised is playing on your mind too. I will just reassure you that every hour going to the loo isn't too bad at all. I was going every 10 mins last week and it was horrendous. Have you also taken some pain relief for your back?

I am certain that the meds will kick in for you hun. Just rest as much as you can, take something for your back and do try not to focus too much on it if you can.

You'll get there.xxxx:bighug1: thanks debs iam on diazepam aswell 2mg for three days to calm me down but not take any since friday im staring to worry again do you think i should take another one to calm me down?

19-12-10, 22:14
I would do whatever it takes to keep calm hun, and if the diaz helps you then yes, I would take one. I think that if you are able to take care of yourself mentally it can really help with the way the physical stuff you are suffering impacts on you, and how you cope with the bloody annoying symptoms of UTI.

I know how horrible it makes you feel, I really do. Please try not to worry....this will pass.xxxx:hugs:

19-12-10, 22:18
I would do whatever it takes to keep calm hun, and if the diaz helps you then yes, I would take one. I think that if you are able to take care of yourself mentally it can really help with the way the physical stuff you are suffering impacts on you, and how you cope with the bloody annoying symptoms of UTI.

I know how horrible it makes you feel, I really do. Please try not to worry....this will pass.xxxx:hugs: sorry to be apain but can you take gaviscon advance with it as i have never had these tabs before ? thanks

19-12-10, 22:32
Which tabs do you mean hun? The diazepam or the antibiotics?

19-12-10, 22:35
Which tabs do you mean hun? The diazepam or the antibiotics?
antibiotics? please?

19-12-10, 22:37
Yes hun, that is perfectly ok to take Gav with them.xx

19-12-10, 22:47
Yes hun, that is perfectly ok to take Gav with them.xxthanks very much you hve been so helpfull ? but both have got sodium in them i tried to research on net but cuoldnt find anything ?xx

19-12-10, 23:01
Don't even bother with researching it babe....as far as my experience goes antibiots and Gav are fine together. If you feel ill effects at all then by all means seek advice, but otherwise, worry not!

19-12-10, 23:12
Don't even bother with researching it babe....as far as my experience goes antibiots and Gav are fine together. If you feel ill effects at all then by all means seek advice, but otherwise, worry not!
thankyou very mmuch you have been more than helpful ? where you from i have added you to my contacts? xx

19-12-10, 23:48
I'm from North West London.xxx

20-12-10, 22:44
I'm from North West London.xxx
hi debs how are you ? i ent back to work today and it was tough tell me but i got through it? had to take deazepam today but hoprfully tomorow will b better?xx