View Full Version : acid reflux

19-12-10, 17:06
can anyone tell me if they get chest pains with acid reflux i don't get any other pains just in the center in my breast bone . im on tabs and keep taking gaviscon but i get it most days

19-12-10, 19:41
Melvin - I get really bad indigestion which includes crushing chest pain in the center of my breast bone.. so bad that I scream in pain... but it is only indigestion and it can be very unpleasant. Hope that helps :)

19-12-10, 21:20
I get chest pain some times when I burp, it only lasts a few second but it does be a very strong pain.

20-12-10, 19:45
thanks for ur replies guys put my mind at rest im getting through the Gav always worries me with the chest pain .