View Full Version : flu like symptoms

22-03-06, 16:03
guys is it right to feel fluey type symtoms with anxiety, u know sore throat shaky etc

april tones
22-03-06, 16:07
hi guess you can get that yes. sore throat you can. i get shaky and go cold after xx


22-03-06, 16:09
I often have pre-flu like symptoms. Like I will get a sore throat, and be really shaky... then it will just pass. I am always sure I am getting sick, but it doesnt usually progress into anything more than just being a little off for a day. I was thinking maybe it had something to do with seasonal allergies.

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"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance... When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance"

"This too shall pass..."

22-03-06, 16:10
I think again this is quite normal all part of our bodies been run down with the anxiety etc.

22-03-06, 20:32
I agree with Robert, my white blood count also went a bit low due to anxiety, and we are more susceptible to colds, flus, bugs etc cause all the anxiety and worry puts strain on our immune systems. This is also why we feel knackered a lot apparently

Anxiety Is Evil

Blue Child
23-03-06, 14:53
I have been fighting depression for years and fooling myself into ignoring it all, which has just increased my anxiety. I agree with the flu like symptoms and sore throat thing. I feel constantly run down, worn out, tired and like I have a golf ball wedged in my throat. I also work with alot of children and boy do the little critters carry alot of germs, so you can see the scenario...I am totally run down...they are full of germs = me catching everything. Deep joy. I am glad I am facing up to things and now I just hope I can be virus/bug free for a little while xxx