View Full Version : Yellow stools

19-12-10, 17:56
I had diarrhoea which was yellow, nausea, stomach pains, fever and headache about 2 weeks ago. I've not been 100% since, not eating that well, lack of appetite and IBS has flared up.

My stools are now totally formed but quite large, dry and yellow, they've not gone back to brown.

Stupid me googled it, and now I'm thinking alsorts thanks to Dr Google;) Has anyone experienced yellow stools and it been ok?

I saw GP last week and he said it was a virus and my son was sick and had stomach cramps, but noone else in my family became unwell.

paula lynne
19-12-10, 19:30
Hi Larna, Im sorry youve had this virus, lots about at the moment, and it does knock you around. It may take a little while for the stools to change colour, as dormant bacterium can lay around in the tummy long after you start to feel better. They are formed, (the stools) which is good. Eat lots of veg, and drink 3 pints of water a day (included in tea etc)....Im sure this will pass in a couple of days.
Take care x P

19-12-10, 20:22
Thank you very much.

I am still having some gastric and IBS symptoms so maybe it is just taking a while to go.

19-12-10, 21:28
I have had the stomach flu twice in the last year (once very badly and the second time only bad cramps) and both times my stomach wasn't the same for about two weeks. Every time I tried to eat, I would feel nauseous, have cramps, etc. It takes a while. Good luck!

20-12-10, 02:52
not sure if this will help you.... but in the last 3 weeks multiple people around me have become ill with some type of intestinal flu.
(pediatrician says it's going around like wildfire)

anyhow daughter got it first, and she had severe diarreha for days. slowly getting better each day. The part I found interesting (and a little concerning with her) was that she had no fever, no vomiting. the other thing I noticed was her waste was like a dingy yellow.
On the last day of the illness, no more diarehha, she vomited, but only twice and only in the morning. After about 5 full days she seemed to be better of all symptoms.
Then her sister got it.
Same thing, yellow loose stools (though not as bad as the older sibling) but yellow and loose every time for about 3-4 days. No fever, no vomiting. When the stool went back to the correct consistency, the yellow color remained for a couple more days. then......
their father got it.
fever, chills, sweats, cramps, nausea, vomited (just once) and foul smelling YELLOW poop. I know this, because I had to ask.....
second day into his sickness, "crazy question, but do you have yellow diarehha?" LOL
to which he said "as a matter of fact!" He was the the sickest with it by far.
4 days later, my nephew starts with vomiting, but no fever.
2 days in the vomiting stops and he seems well. The day after that, diarehha starts. His mom calls me, to tell me that she was mistaken when she told me the day before he was all well. She is a first time mom, first time with this type of illness in her 8 month old, also phoning in disbelief that such a little person could make so much mess! Then says, "and it was a crazy thing, blew out all over and I had to change his clothes like 4 times..... and the strangest color......"
I cut her off, "yellow?" she was like, "yea how did you know!?"

so there you have it. yellow poop all over the place by me, luckily not me though. Everyone is on the mend now, thank goodness with holidays and all. I hope you start feeling better soon. I think the yellow is just caused by the virus and possibly the body moving waste through quicker trying to expel the virus and flush the intestines!

sorry bout all my spelling errors in this reply, but I hope it was helpful to you.

20-12-10, 11:00
Thank you all. Hopefully the colour will return to normal. I shall give it another week ten go back. GP said to go back this week but I'd rather go after Christmas.

Maybe as my diet has been so limited due to the nausea that hasn't helped. I'm eating more now so I shall give it chance.

20-12-10, 11:42
yes this seems to be one of the effects of type of flu virus my daughter had yellow stools too.hope you feel better soon:)