View Full Version : Feel like one ear is plugged all the time

19-12-10, 20:56
Hi, does anyone know if feeling like you have one or both ears plugged is a sign of anxiety? I feel like especially my left ear is partly plugged most of the time. This has been going on for a year and a half. I finally went to an ENT specialist about 6 months ago and he checked out my ears, pressure and hearing and said everything is totally normal. He said perhaps I have a plugged feeling if I have TMJ or clench my teeth when I sleep, which I do a little I think. I tried to ignore the feeling then but sometimes, like now, it seems worse and it bothers me constantly. Is this a sign of anxiety? Does anyone else exerience this? I feel at times it is going to drive me crazy....

19-12-10, 21:01
hi there. I am new here but couldn't not reply to your post as I have exactly the same thing as you. It's always my left ear and feels like it is blocked/plugged/filled with water most of the time. I suffer from TMJ also. I definately think it's to do with my anxiety and if I focus on it it becomes much worse. I can also get lots of left ear pain and high pitched ringing in my ear.

I haven't got any advice on what to do but just wanted to let you know you're not alone.


19-12-10, 21:07
Thanks so much for sharing. It really helps to know I am not alone in this! I don't know if I have TMJ but I do know that I clench my teeth due to stress (without realising it) and my whole neck and jaw area are usually tight. I feel like I can make my right ear pop just normally (responds normally to changes in pressure, etc.), but my left ear is kind of 'stuck'. I can't pop it very well and it always seems to be 20-50% plugged, but actually I can hear out of it okay. It feels like an essence of a plug. But it does start to make me crazy if I think about it. I have to take a flight in a few months be and I am already looking forward to it, thinking maybe that will be the thing to finally make this ear pop open....

19-12-10, 21:08
I thought I heard once about the (feeling of) plugged ears as being a sign of anxiety. Is this true?

19-12-10, 21:13
I know exactly how you feel!!! Can really drive you crazy if you focus on it. My left ear sometimes really itches too. I don't know if plugged ears is a documented sign of anxiety but it definately is a sign of it for me. My dr told me to t'try steam inhalation with some olbas oil in it. Maybe you could give that a go?


19-12-10, 21:37
I remember hearing that itchy ears is a sign of stress I think. I have never heard of olbas oil, but I will look into it. Where do you get it?

20-12-10, 01:30
so incredibly hard to take! Constant issues with my ears that always starts huge anxiety. Constantly feels like muscle spasms or tightening deep in the ear... and horrific pressure. i have been to doctor 4 times ... nothing wrong apparrently. I am constantly aware of irritation in ears. Neck very tight as well and i often wonder if tight neck causes tightness in ears. ( do inner ears even have muscles to tighten? It is my number 1 source of chronic fear and worry. Just cannot find an answer for this and just no peace. I think i will go insane over it ...day after day after day. Anyone know anything about this?
i posted this last week....my ears make me insane!

21-12-10, 20:13
Does anyone else know about a plugged-ear-feeling being linked to anxiety? It's so hard to believe that it's all in my head....

22-12-10, 20:13
Having a particularly bad day with ears plugged so would appreciate it if anyone else has experience with this. I don't know if anxiety is causing it or vice versa....

22-12-10, 20:16
I used to suffer from this BKF. I don't know if it was caused by anxiety but it may well have been. I found taking decongestant capsules helped (if you want to try them check they are ok if you are on other meds) and also sucking menthol sweets x

22-12-10, 20:21
Olbas oil is a decongestant that u inhale.its wonderful and helps greatly with my sinusitis.u just get it from pharmacies or boots!

22-12-10, 22:44
Hi BKF1515

Thanks for your earlier reply about my dental filling!

My right ear feels constantly blocked - my doctor says there is a tiny bit of wax (which I am prone to) right at the bottom of my eardrum - I'll probably have to have it syringed or she said I could buy one of those 'bulb thingys' that flushes your ear with warm water to dislodge the wax. I have also heard that a tiny hair resting on the ear drum can cause that fullness and hissing (which is how I describe what I have) so maybe your doctor could have a look inside for you? I have also read that anxiety definitely makes tinnitus worse and also TMJ which I think you can be tested for.

Good luck! :bighug:

07-01-11, 22:18
Having another bad day with the plugged ear feeling. I have been to my GP and an ENT specialist to have it checked and both pronounced it normal so I don't really know what to do. I guess I am becoming a hypochondriac b/c I am imagining that they could be wrong in their diagnoses. :(

07-01-11, 22:29
i also have had ear problems for a couple of years. But i think its a case of chicken and egg ! Which causes which ? anxiety or ear problems?

07-01-11, 22:47
That is the question! I am so tempted to google right now but I haven't in so long and I promised myself I wouldn't. The only thing is that it's always the same ear and I can pinpoint the time that it started - when I was on summer holiday 1.5 years ago. Is that still anxiety if it's so specific? Yet two doctors have told me it's normal. Ugh!

30-06-14, 23:11
I've got this symptom too. It's my left ear that's felt partly plugged for the last few months, and only recently I've begun having pain and headaches. I've been to my ENT a couple times for throat issues, and I hate to bother him with this too. But I've got to... :(