View Full Version : skin cancer

19-12-10, 21:00
does anyone have moles that look a bit like a fried egg??? like a brown mole sat on top of a light brown freckle???? i have been to a dermatoloigist and he said they are fine but i am convinced i have cancer and it has been missed and i will leave my babies without a mum if they dont catch it in time!!! please anyone

19-12-10, 21:10
Hi there. I am new here and posted for the first time today about moles. I have quite a few aytpical moles and have convinced myself over the past few months that at least 4 of them are melanoma. I have had them checked out by a dr who said they are fine and that the main thing to look for is not a mole that doesn't look normal but any change in a mole. I have lots of moles that don't look 'normal'. Some of them have the fried egg appearance that you are talking about. I had a mole removed from my back a couple of months ago and didn't have it biopsied as the dr said it was fine. I have since convinced myself that it was melanoma and we've missed it.

I am sure that if the dermatolagist said they are fine then you have nothing to worry about. Could you maybe get a second opinion just to put your mind at ease?

Sorry I couldn't be more help but hope that you can stop worrying soon.

19-12-10, 21:14
If the dermatologist said it is fine then I'm sure it will be. I had a new 'mole' for just over 2 years that then started occasionally scabbing over then the top would flake off. I was told it was nothing too but I didn't believe them. I finally DEMANDED that they surgically remove it ... and while I was waiting for the appointment it completely went.

It was just a type of wart that looked exactly like a mole... but to me it was cancer.

Trust in what your doctor and dermatologist says as they see these things everyday and they know the difference between something that needs looking at and something which doesn't x x