View Full Version : Can't tell if this is anxiety

19-12-10, 21:34
I've been diagnosed with a mild version of bipolar called Cyclothymia but I've always doubted the diagnosis and so does everyone around me!

I get this thing I've got at the moment, though, where I feel restless and on edge and like my thoughts are going really fast but I don't feel worried. I sort of just feel like I want to go out and run a few miles! I've been annoying my boyfriend all day by jumping around and being hyperactive.

I feel kind of like I want to slow down because I feel like I need to rest but my mind's whirring.

I was wondering if anybody else gets this kind of mixed feeling where they sort of feel excited but they're not exactly enjoying it because their thoughts are going too fast and they're starting to feel a bit confused.

I've been really anxious over the last couple of days and I've gradually had this feeling like I'm starting to lose control. I do feel a little bit crazy at the moment. I've never understood whether maybe this was just part of anxiety rather than bipolar. I want it to be because I know there's things I can do about anxiety to try and make it stop but I don't know if there's anything I can do about this if it's bipolar.

So has anyone else ever felt this way? Could this just be anxiety?

19-12-10, 22:26
that sounds like the manic side of bi-polar, where you feel extra happy, hyper, more impulsive, kinda like your on a high.
I looked up Cyclothymia, this is what I found:

Dysthymic phase

Difficulty making decisions; problems concentrating; poor memory recall; guilt; self-criticism; low self-esteem; pessimism; self-destructive thinking; continuously feeling sad; apathy; hopelessness; helplessness; irritability; quick temper; lack of motivation; social withdrawal; appetite change; lack of sexual desire; self-neglect; fatigue or insomnia [1]

Euphoric phase

Unusually good mood or cheerfulness (euphoria); Extreme optimism; Inflated self-esteem; Poor judgment; Rapid speech; Racing thoughts; Aggressive or hostile behavior; Being inconsiderate of others; Agitation; Increased physical activity; Risky behavior; Spending sprees; Increased drive to perform or achieve goals; Increased sexual drive; Decreased need for sleep; Tendency to be easily distracted; Inability to concentrate

well I guess if your feeling anxious then you can do something about the anxiety, thing is anxiety is quite hard to deal with in it's self, I guess you could try CBT and relaxation and maybe other forms of therapy.
I think if you are bi-polar then the two can easily over lap, I guess the best thing is to try and treat both, like maybe the medication for the bi-polar would also help the anxiety.

the racing thoughts, feeling like your going to lose it is also a symptom of anxiety, most of us here get it and its not nice at all and you just have to breath through it .

20-12-10, 11:32
Thank you.

Thanks for looking all that up for me. I recognise half of it. I feel like I get the hypomanic side and anxiety at the same time, which is why it gets so confusing. It's like I get all of that excitement, and I start doing more things and planning for my future and then all of a sudden there's too much stuff in my brain! All the thoughts start racing and I start feeling anxious then.

Maybe it's a mix of both. I'm definitely going to practise CBT techniques and see if I can help myself. My poor decision making has led me into increasingly stressful corners so I need to do something!

Thanks for your advice. :)