View Full Version : Eyelid Glitch?

19-12-10, 22:03
Hi all. I have searched the forum, and know that there are tons of eyelid issues, but I could not find one to match. My left eyelid, has a sort of hitch to it. Not a twitching spasm or rapid vibration type, but one glitch, usually mid blink. It feels like it doesn't want to reopen for a split second. Just one twitch, then nothing. Sometimes once or twice a day, other times, maybe once or twice an hour for a few hours. I just had a physical, nothing came back bad, except for some higher cholesterol. It is hard to explain. Like a one time hitch in the blink.

Anyone have a similar hitch? I am starting to worry about it alot again... :(

20-12-10, 07:26
Wow... Nobody? :( Really??

20-12-10, 12:04
cinny, it sounds like a nerve spasmodically affecting the eyelid muscle like when you get a twitching eyelid, but not as often. Sorry I can't help more.

20-12-10, 19:24
yea, it is weird because it is just once, about mid blink. Makes it hang up a split second in going up.. I never had anything like it before..

23-03-11, 16:54
Well here it is March, and it comes and goes. I can't find any reason for it to do it. I feel fine sometimes, and then out of the blue it will do it for days. Then I start to wander off about it, and then more anxiety, then more focus on it. Then more panic about it... Now I have again worked myself into a panic about it. :( I would feel better about it if someone else here had a similar issue, but most folks have a rapid twitch type. Mine is just one. Like someone tries to hold it closed for a split second when it tries to open. Starting to freak me out.

Anyone at all have anything similar?

23-03-11, 22:26
I did have a feeling of my eyelashes had got caught up and stopped me mid blink but I think it was just my nerves making me feel like that or the fact I was really tired, forgot about it and it went away like everything else. hope this helps:)

24-03-11, 00:16
Yea! Like my eye gets hung up or something. :( I don't feel eyelash catching, but the feeling must be similar! I try to forget, but it keeps coming back.

24-03-11, 00:31
cinny, I get it, but mostly with my right eye....tends to happen when I'm nervous and speaking to someone x

24-03-11, 01:10
I get a "Twitch, flutter" in both my eyes, thankfully not at the same time! It happens when I'm feeling very anxious, stressed or tired.

24-03-11, 03:28
Thanks all, I have to try and not focus on it. It makes it a little easier knowing that others have had the same. I appreciate the replies. They are calming and helpful.