View Full Version : One for the intellectuals :)

19-12-10, 23:27
I found this fascinating article from a therapist in the US. It's not an easy read but well worth ploughing through


His points are that
1) The guy was really frightened of death and had to face up to that underlying fear. I think that's certainly the case with me and I guess just about everyone else here

2) The obsessing internet searching is a 'thought neutralising' behaviour that takes your mind off the anxiety while also feeding it. Again I can relate to that

3) That we have a low tolerance of anxiety and need how to learn how to manage it rather than try to seek reassurance all the time (whether from this site or by Googling all the time)

4) We have to learn to focus on the NOW and making better the rest of our life

19-12-10, 23:37
Interesting read.

Going home
19-12-10, 23:40
For the Intellectuals? What, not for the stupid people then? But in point one you say it covers just about everyone here....shame not all of us have the itelligence to understand it then :huh:


19-12-10, 23:43
Doh, sorry, didn't mean it to sound like that! I was referring to some of the intellectual language he uses - anyone know what egregious means? :)

Going home
20-12-10, 00:18
:D sorry i'm only winding you up...I knew what you meant but sometimes late at night when only a few members are online I can't resist being a bit naughty...its the liverpool in me i'm afraid, ok no excuse I know but its my excuse anyway! but I shouldn't make you feel bad because the info is really interesting.

Anna x

blue moon
20-12-10, 00:42
Egregious.....outstandingly bad,2....distinguished;eminent,or standing out in the herd.I have uni degree but do not think I am that intellegent:)
Petra x

20-12-10, 00:50
Yes, I agree with his points wholeheartedly, but they're easier said than done, truly :(