View Full Version : Feeling a bit low

20-12-10, 00:27
Just feeling a bit rubbish really. Been ill this weekend, family probably
can't get here for Christmas cos of the weather, fed up with anxiety, split up with someone I was
seeing who won't even tell me why he doesn't want to see me anymore, lost a good friend, keep
being reminded of my divorce and ex husband...
Just all getting on top of me and feeling a bit sorry for myself! It's Christmas and should be fun and happy,
and instead I've felt rubbish the past 2 days.

I know it could be worse and part of me feels so selfish for moping cos there are people out there
all alone, or ill, or have lost someone... Sorry for moaning. X

Captain Caveman
20-12-10, 00:36
Hi lizzie. Things can pick up for you:)

I know every person on the planet has whinged in the past - so I'm not pretending to be perfect here -, but the less you do, the better off you will be.

Claire Weekes in her top selling book “Hope And Help For Your Nerves” mentions about self pity:

“There must be no self-pity . And this means no self-pity. There must be no dramazitation of self in this “terrible state” – no thinking how little the family understands how little they realize how ghastly this suffering is. Self-Pity wastes strength and time and frightens away those who would otherwise help you.“

You'll be able to sort yourself out :)

20-12-10, 00:36
Hey honey !

Hope ure ok, u are far too good for that looser, it's hard sometimes but you will meet someone who will treat you like you deserve to be treated. Your such a lovely caring person and you deserve the best. Make sure you remember that.

Sending you lots of love

Ethel xxx

20-12-10, 10:16
Thanks for the replies!

Captain Caveman - I do try not to moan as I know it's not productive and I also try to focus on what I have - I know I'm very fortunate compared to
a lot of people. Was just having one of those days!

Ppjaye - thanks hun for always being there for me, you're a star! X

20-12-10, 10:40
Hang in there Lizzie. I've a lot less reason than many to feel bad at the moment - but still I do. "Should" is never a good word although it's hard to make it go away. Hopefully we'll all feel better when this Christmas business is over x

eternally optimistic
20-12-10, 10:42
Hi Lizzie, it doesnt hurt to have a good moan, sometimes....

Christmas is an iffy time, so many expectations and others around have ideas of what they want from this one day...

Hang in there girl, ....

20-12-10, 11:20
Thanks Jane and Jay ann for your lovely replies. Like you both say, I think we all need a moan occasionally!
I think you're right about expectations - it's Christmas therefore 100% happiness at all times is expected. For a lot of people, as we know, that's not the case.
I am very lucky though that I have such great family and friends, things could be a lot worse, and are for many people.
At least everyone on this site is not alone, we all have each other, and I think that's especially important at this time of year.

Thanks again for replies. X

20-12-10, 11:35
Aww Lizzie,

Sorry to hear your feeling down hun.

You are such a lovely woman and you deserve to be treated much better than this.

I'm here for you hun if you need me, i'm a phone call away

Sending you a great big :bighug1:

di xx

20-12-10, 11:52
sorry you are having a low time lizzie, i am struggling too, but it does help to know we are not alone :hugs: hope your family do make it for xmas xx if not and u wanna chat over xmas or any time pm me :flowers: x

20-12-10, 12:00
Thanks Di, what a lovely message. Feeling bit better today, focussing on the positives!

Joexgee - thank you! Thanks for your offer to chat too, you can never have enough support! The same applies to you of course :-) x