View Full Version : Hi there

20-12-10, 01:45
My name is Lynda, I am sixty years old and live in London. I am pleased to have found this forum.

20-12-10, 01:46
Hi LyndaB

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

20-12-10, 01:50
Very kind of you Diane. I was looking at some other threads on the Welcome section. I didn't know whether it was appropriate to say much about myself on here but it seems that I can.

I have suffered from severe depression and anxiety for several years. I don't want to pile my problems onto others who may feel much worse than me, however I do want to ask for a bit of advice so I will have a look at the other sections and find the right place to ask.

Thank you for the welcome :).

20-12-10, 09:12
Hi Linda and welcome
There’s an old adage isn’t there that there’s always someone worse off than you and I think that saying is true in every walk of life.

One of the great things about this site is that you can ask anything you want no matter how trivial you think it is and get a reply and reassurance and often sharing is a great tonic. :)

20-12-10, 09:24
Hi Lynda, you'll find loads of support on this site..

20-12-10, 09:27
It certainly is Groundhog. Hee hee, I am NOT panicking at the moment though my cab hasn't turned up to take me for my counselling session. The snow is holding up all the traffic. Luckily, my counsellor has no other client booked after me and says he will go off and do something else and I am to ring him when my cab arrives. I am lucky.

It looks really pretty out and I am all warmly dressed and made up. I'm sure many of you know what an effort that is, it would have been a minor disaster for me not to be able to see the counsellor today. That does seem silly and irrational.

Sitting here in the little front bedroom/office, I am watching the traffic go by and there have been two funeral corteges (?sp) in the last fifteen minutes or so, one had a pink hearse. I am seriously hoping that was not for a little girl.....gosh I am welling up now. C U all l8a.

20-12-10, 09:32
Well done for 'getting made up'! I hope your counselling session goes well. Take care x

paula lynne
20-12-10, 09:47
Hi Lynda, a warm welcome to the forum, you'll get lots of help and support here and make some good friends along the way. Nice to know you. Paula x:welcome:

20-12-10, 10:04
:welcome: from me too Lynda

20-12-10, 21:29
Hi Lynda and :welcome:.Im sure you will get plenty of help and support here .Nice to see you ..luv Sue xx

margaret jones
20-12-10, 21:48
Hi lynda :welcome:to this fantastic site xx

Veronica H
22-12-10, 17:11
:welcome:to NMP. You will find great information, company and support here.
