View Full Version : Advice about medication please

20-12-10, 02:00
Hallo all, I am a newbie.
I have suffered from depression, anxiety and panic attacks for several years. There are times when I feel worse than others, I am sure many of you understand that.

I have been tried on lots of medication and nothing has helped me, indeed I have often felt worse. I've also self medicated with stuff I bought.

I was put on Amitriptyline 50mg once a day just over three weeks ago. I feel more depressed than ever, quite desolate and hope-less, and I can't sleep. Because the psychiatrist prescribed the Amitriptyline, my GP cut down my sleeping tablets (Zolpiderm) because the Amitrip often zonks people out but it hasn't done that to me.

To be honest, I felt better on no medication and think I ought to stop taking it. As I have only been on it for a short while, three weeksish, will I suffer severe withdrawal if I just stop taking it or should I taper it off over the next week? I realize this is something I should be discussing with my doctor or the psychiatrist but am not going to see them before Christmas. Any advice welcome. Thank you.

20-12-10, 14:37
I am replying to myself :D

I went to counselling this morning and the counsellor lent me a book, "Back to Life. (The Great Escape from Tranquilliser Addiction)", by Pam Armstrong. I also went into the chemist and spoke to the pharmacist who wanted to be helpful but wasn't really :). He said the obvious thing, speak to your GP or the psychiatrist. He did tell me that Amitriptyline was not the same as the benzodiazepine I had been on before, from which I had terrible withdrawal. Well I knew that.

I am going to cut down the dose, half a tab tonight and for a couple of days, then half a tab every other day, then finito. Hopefully.

I met a friend and we went for coffee. You will laugh at this, after I had been to counselling I went to her house to put a card through her letterbox, and a book I had bought her, but sort of hoped she was out so I could just go home. I rang the doorbell and she was out. As I was walking away from her door, she met me with her shopping bags! She was so pleased, said it was "meant", and took me for a coffee. I was quite unwell and it showed a bit, I hadn't seen her for a long time and she didn't realize quite how bad things were. In the past I have been able to cover up, I am less able now. Also she is an unusual person, Asperger, so doesn't empathise, is sort of dead pan and intense. Well I have to say she was lovely.

After the coffee, over which we lingered, talking, for a long time, we made the mistake of going into M&S. I so rarely go anywhere with "big" shops, the only time is when I go to my counsellor. Marks was packed, I didn't buy anything (I was looking at food but got quite flustered); my friend bought me a huge bunch of flowers. She had asked me before what I wanted for Christmas and I said a bunch of flowers (mainly cos I couldn't think of anything else), and she also gave me a crystal that she had chosen and bought especially for me. I think it is called something like "labrador". When you hold it up to the window it looks as though there are butterfly wings in it and the colours are beautiful. She told me it emanates happiness. I don't believe in all that stuff but I was extremely touched - so it has made me a bit happy already.

Nice to share with you all. Hope I am not being boring :D

20-12-10, 15:29

i wouldnt cut down without speaking to ur gp. in my experience meds make u feel worse b4 they make u feel better and many o them can take months to start kicking in fully.

We all seem to spend our time looking for a steadfast cure but that isnt the nature of our illness, it took me well over a year to find the meds that suit me and even longer for me to become stable on them.

I would stick with it until ur doctor tells u otherwise, they wouldnt have put u on it without good reason.

but good luck whatever u decide to do