View Full Version : Lymph nodes? Maybe? Please help me :(

20-12-10, 03:10
I'm almost 19 years old. I haven't posted here in a long time because my very understanding doctor puts my mind at rest by giving me very regular check ups. I stopped going because my mind was at rest.

Now, sadly, I just found something and am very scared :weep:

Next to my left ear lobe, pretty much on my jaw line, is a lump. It feels very hard but not as hard as a rock. It's circular in shape, like an oval on it's side. It hurts only a little but just when I press it hard. It doesn't move when I touch it.

Anybody know what it is? Should I book an appointment with my doctor ASAP? Just telling me if I should worry or not (honestly) would be great!!! :(

Thank you so much in advance!


20-12-10, 14:23
Yes go see ur doctor hun. Sounds like uve got an enlarged lymph node. Ive got about 4 or 5 in my groin area, and a big one on side of my neck along with little enlarged ones along jawline and behind ear. They come up in response to an infection uve got, could be one u dont even realise u have had! Mine however havent gone away in 12 weeks so my doctor has sent me for an emergency appt with a cancer specialist for tomorrow morning. Im dreading it. But theyve been up for ages, they wont send u to anyone unless uve hazd them longer than 6 weeks. If its of rubbery consistency, and hurt when u press it then thats deffo an infection hun. Mine dont hurt, cant rly move them, and they r getting bigger/harder...so not a good sign. Im 23 too with a 2 year old, but nuffin i can do. Just wanna hurry up n get tomorrow over n done with x good luck and deffo book in to see ur doctor asap and get some antibiotics x

20-12-10, 14:41
I would recommend seeing a Dr only for your reassurance really - doesn't sound like anything to worry about at all. If it is a gland they respond to even the slightest infection, even a spot can cause one to swell.


20-12-10, 17:05
every one has those lumps/ lymph nodes alone the jaw line, head and neck area x